Dear Headsetswebmaster:
Things look pretty clean but there are a few vagaries, as you'll see below.
Steps taken:
1. To the web page with IE 6.0.2800:
2. To the Aria page, click order button:
BUG: blank page returned on first attempt (it should have returned an
error message -- I didn't specify quantity)
3. Returned to Aria page, 1 Executive model ordered; TESTONE special
offer entered, address entered:
POSSIBLE HOLE: Address page doesn't verify zip code vs. city/state;
nor does it allow zip +4 (I realize that shipping may handle these
issues offline.)
4. On to the credit card page -- the $25 off is correctly registered.
Ordering processing seems normal.
Now lets go back to see what information, if any, has been retained by
the shopping cart.
5. Back to the web page -- nothing in cart:
6. Go to the following page and try to confuse the order entry with
irrelevant quantities (B, O3, 03). It's not fooled. Add the
promotional code.
7. Goes to Address Page:
8. Go back with browser command -- get a "Warning: Page has Expired"
message. Go back with browser command again and get the Cart page;
re-enter the order:
9. Goes to Address Page and all previous information was retained:
POSSIBLE HOLE: data is not being cleared from entry pages; some
transaction sites are religious about making you re-key everything.
Annoying when you make a small error but security protection for those
who might be entering personal information on a library computer or an
open workspace at work.
10. To the billing page: Promotional code correctly entered. Let's
see next if we leave valuable credit card data when we use "Back" from
this page? It does not:
POSSIBLE HOLE: No red flags obvious when name is different from credit card.
11. Use "Back" button to get back to the shopping cart page. Add the
Plantronics CS50; cart already has 3 of the noise-reduction Arias in
it. Delete those. Use "Back" button to get to home page. Add
Plantronics Personal Call Recorder and Logger. Enter promotional
code. Process order.
12. On to the following page: name/address/contact information retained:
13. On to billing page: no data present, which is obviously good.
Discount for promotion is correct:
14. Order seemingly entered correctly.
15. What happens if I try pasting directly into the browser?
It has the order information but no credit card data.
16. What happens if I try pasting into a browser window?
All name/address/contact information retained.
Let's try a different browser now: Opera 7.54 with Java:
1. Paste in shipping and billing HTML addresses directly.
Result: "Shopping cart is empty." No data retained.
2. Paste in top-level page:
3. Order a Plantronics CS50, with promotional code. Enter billing
information -- order enters properly. "Back" button reveals
name/address/contact button on Shipping page.
4. Enter an out-of-date credit card code (June, 2004):
Result: kicks out the old credit card code. So I'll try again with
July. It rejects it. It also rejects August (isn't the card supposed
to be good until the end of the month?) September goes through.
5. Use the back button from the Confirmation page to see if data is retained:
Result: Opera retains the data from the Confirmation page in its
entirely -- all credit card information is there.
POTENTIAL BUG: IE is returning what you probably intended -- a "Page
Expired" message when "Back" button is used. A second use of "Back"
returns a blank page. This version of the Opera browser retains all
Billing data with a "Back" button.
NOTE: I went back to IE and placed a second order. This time billing
information was retained on the page -- unlike the first tests above.
NOTE: Entering my CN customer number in the search function on the
test cart page brings up a shopping cart with 2 items in it and goes
through the OLD shopping cart.
NOTE: I tried on 2 different computers to use the "Back" buttons to
get back to after placing something in
the cart. Once there, I clicked on "View Cart":
* On one computer it returned an EMPTY cart -- and puts me into the
"Old" Shopping Cart pages.
* On the second computer the cart had the item ordered -- and put me
into the "Old" Shopping Cart pages.
It appears from having looked at the website in its
current and proposed version that you intended to separate Shipping
and Billing pages, likely for security purposes. The new design is
serving you well in Internet Explorer, but may not be accomplishing
your goals in other browsers. The obvious recommended strategy would
be to broaden the browsers used, including a text browser such as
Lynx. (see Google webmaster guidelines):
"Webmaster Guidelines," (2004)
Oh -- and make sure that those orders don't get processed. I got 5
confirmations in my e-mail already!
And let me know if there are additional modes that you'd like tested
or if you'd like to know browser settings. My standard IE
configuration enables cookies.
Best regards,
Omnivorous-GA |
Clarification of Answer by
20 Aug 2004 09:23 PDT
HW --
* on the first instance of use I received a blank page when trying to
"Add Item to the Cart". Like you, I was unable to replicate it later
during the day on Thursday -- nor can I replicate that error today.
I'm certain it was an error (as opposed to a frozen server between you
and I) because the page indicated that it was done loading, yet it
still looked like a polar bear in a snowstorm.
* I had about 5 different customer numbers from the orders, inasmuch
as I'd entered a valid e-mail address. My intent was to see if, using
only a CN (which might be freely available to anyone on a printed
e-mail), if I could get at an account. I used the Search box in the
LH column on the test page:
Perhaps because of cookies, I was getting a shopping basket with
contents in it. BTW, a customer number consistently brings up this
Finally, since I have 5 customer numbers and they'll queer marketing
analyses for y'all, I'd be glad to e-mail them somewhere for deletion
from the system (if you can't pick them up yourself).
Best regards,