Hi sasquatch77,
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to answer your question. I
searched again in the hopes that I missed something earlier and I
actually came up with a shareware product that sounds hopeful.
CurveWorks for CorelDRAW 11/12:
"Oberon CurveWorks is a shareware product. It is fully functional in
the downloaded version however it has an evaluation period of 14
days. You need to register the program to continue using it. The
registration fee is US$49.95."
CurveWorks features: Curve Statistics:
"This command shows statistical information about the selected curves
which includes the total curve length, total curve area, as well as
the number of nodes, segments and subpaths in the selected curves."
Here are some more ideas -
Forum: Letterville BullBoard:
Topic Stumped --- Corel Question:
"How about printing it out (using an easily calculable scale) then use
one of those little wheeled dials you can push along a map to check
distances. Not elegant I know but, sometimes analogue gets the job
"On second thought, Corel does allow you to measure the length of
compound curves if you don't mind doing a bit of work. Enter a line of
periods with the text tool that is estimated to be several inches
longer than your curve. Select the text (periods) and the curve then
use the fit text to path. Corel will fit all the periods it can around
the edge of the curve at their actual kerned spacing, it will truncate
or remove any excess periods. Count the periods. Now enter two
seperate periods at the same point size as the originals, select them
and use the object parameter box (width-height) to see the length
(width). Multiply this times the number that it took to fit on the
curve. Ain't life simple when you look at it from an idiot's point of
"Hi Mike, I'm not sure I want to admit it in public, but this is what
I ended up doing. Print a scaled down version of the spiral, lay a
cooked piece of spaghetti ( the string wouldn't stay in place ) along
the line, break it off and measure it. It took me about 4 hours to
come up with this after the geometry book I have drove me nuts,
sometimes it takes a little insanity, but it worked."
Some macros that you may find useful -
CorelDRAW VBA macros:
On this page you can find VBA macros for CorelDRAW 10, 11, and 12.
Oberon's forum:
Thanks again - fingers crossed -
hummer |