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Italic quotes
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: j_philipp-ga List Price: $3.00 |
20 Aug 2004 08:22 PDT
Expires: 19 Sep 2004 08:22 PDT Question ID: 390354 |
Is it wrong to put something you quote inline in italics, like such: Peter said "I am Peter" at the convention. Is "I am Peter" italic, or can it be (optional), or should it never be? If it makes a difference than US-English please. |
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Re: Italic quotes
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 20 Aug 2004 09:52 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Thank you very much for accepting my remarks as your answer. It's always a pleasure to be able to help a Google Answers colleague. As I have mentioned, italics appear within quotes rather seldom in English text. They may be used to indicate non-English words, or to provide emphasis, as if the speaker is shouting. Another instance in which italics would be used within quotes would be when the title of a literary work is mentioned: Peter said "Have you ever read A Man Called Peter? I am Peter" at the convention. In the sentence above, "A Man Called Peter" would be italicized, since it is the title of a book. Generally, if what you have is an ordinary quote without non-English words or special vocal indications (such as shouting or an emphatic whisper), you can choose between using quotation marks (which is the standard) or using italics (which is more "artistic," and often done in stream-of-consciousness passages in fiction). Using both quotation marks and italics is, with the exceptions I've noted, overkill. "Italics may read as a sort of insistent whisper, or a thought, or a quote, or handwriting. Italics have a broad range of usages; people may shout or mutter in italics, and the reader has no trouble discerning which. Foreign words are customarily italicized. Italics are words set apart, words occurring outside the basic venue of spoken conversation, or inexpressible things forced into language." Ambiguous.org: The Syntax of Links http://www.ambiguous.org/robin/opinion/linksyntax.html Best regards, Pink |
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Re: Italic quotes
From: pinkfreud-ga on 20 Aug 2004 09:04 PDT |
Using italics between quotes isn't usually done in English. "I am Peter," in your sentence above, might conceivably be italicized if you wanted to indicate that Peter was shouting. This would be similar to the use of all-caps in email and online communication. Some authors (Stephen King springs to ming) use italics to indicate characters' thoughts. But the use of quotes and italics together is something rarely seen. |
Re: Italic quotes
From: pinkfreud-ga on 20 Aug 2004 09:06 PDT |
I have made a typographical error in my comment above. For "Stephen King springs to ming," please read "Stephen King sprinds to mind." Ming has nothing to do with it (unless Stephen King is a Flash Gordon fan). |
Re: Italic quotes
From: pinkfreud-ga on 20 Aug 2004 09:18 PDT |
In addition to indicating shouting, italics can be used within a quote that contains non-English words. Peter said "Sacre bleu! I am Peter" at the convention. Here you would italicize "Sacre bleu," but leave "I am Peter" in normal text. |
Re: Italic quotes
From: j_philipp-ga on 20 Aug 2004 09:30 PDT |
Well thanks except I think you belong to the answer spot with that :) |
Re: Italic quotes
From: archae0pteryx-ga on 22 Aug 2004 00:00 PDT |
Pink's observation that it is rarely done is accurate. However, authors, especially authors of fiction aned poetry, do all kinds of idiosyncratic things with typography, sometimes to achieve special effects, and sometimes just to create a distinctive look or style. Use of italics in such a way would be nonstandard, but not *wrong* in the sense of being utterly indefensible and never justified. It seemed to me that you might have been asking whether you could use italics *instead* if quotation marks. This too would be nonstandard practice and would normally be avoided, but a case could probably be made for it in special circumstances. There are two considerations you might want to think about, though. One is that italics are harder to read than roman (plain) type and tiring for the eye. Frequent or heavy use can get annoying. The other is that to the extent that typographical conventions support meaning, departure from standard use can work against effective communication. Archae0pteryx (a publications professional, but not a researcher) |
Re: Italic quotes
From: archae0pteryx-ga on 22 Aug 2004 00:23 PDT |
Please pardon the typo in "and." Being unable to edit an entry after posting is a sometimes vexing limitation. |
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