Dear ebony-ga,
The speech in which Vernon Jordan eloquently described the experiences
of many African Americans as "terrorism" was delivered at Howard
University's Rankin Chapel on April 14, 2002. Howard University's 2002
commencement was held a few weeks later, on May 11, 2002.
Here is an excerpt from the speech:
"Yet a cursory view of black history suggests that none of this is new
to black people. War, hunger, disease, unemployment, deprivation,
dehumanization and terrorism define our existence. They are not new to
us. Slavery was terrorism, segregation was terrorism, the bombing of
the four little girls in Sunday school in Birmingham was terrorism.
The violent deaths of Medgar, Martin, Malcolm, Vernon Dahmer, Cheney,
Schwerner, Goodman were terrorism. And the difference between
September 11 and the terror visited upon black people is that on
September 11, the terrorists were foreigners but when we were
terrorized, it was by our neighbors. The terrorists were American
The full speech may be found here:
Howard University: Trustee Vernon Jordan's Rankin Chapel Address
The 2002 Commencement speech at Howard University was delivered by
Shirley Clarke Franklin:
Howard University, Commencement 2002
The keynote speaker at the 2002 Commencement of Howard University
School of Law was L. Douglas Wilder:
Howard University School of Law
Vernon Jordan's speech received quite a bit of attention from the
media., "The African American Online Source for
California's Capital City," published this interesting article about
Vernon Jordan and this speech:,"Blacks Know Terrorism"
Search strategy:
"howard university" + speech + "vernon jordan"
I hope this information is useful to you. If you need further
assistance or clarification, please ask.
Best regards,
pinkfreud-ga |