I have asked a Chinese art expert about your question is this is what she told me:
A quote from Confucious, where he explains the virtues of Jade to a student.
"The Master said, superior men of ancient times found the likeness of
all excellent qualities. It was soft, smooth and glossy (when
polished), like benevolance; fine compact and strong, like
intelligence; angular, but not sharp and cutting, like righteousnous;
and (when struck)like music. Like loyalty, its flaws did not conceal
its beauty nor its beauty its flaws, and like virtue, it was
conspicuous in the symbol of rank."
Jade became most popular in the Late Zhou period. It was most often
made for placement of tombs and never meant for actual use. Different
colours of Jade were used for the separate class'. White Jade was used
and made strictly only for the imperial class.
The lotus was a popular symbol for the Chinese. The lotus was a symbol
of perfection and beauty for them (something they saw as one in the
So, a jade lotus dish may carry all that symbolism.
Although it doesn't answer your question, it may help you.
Best regards
luntes |