Hello Aftermath384!
?The average horse can travel 25 to 30 miles in one day. This will NOT
be done at a run. Most of the distance will be covered in a trot, a
gait that your rider will probably not enjoy. Endurance horses are
trained to make 50, 75 even 100 mile trail rides in one day. However,
this requires special diets and extensive training for horse and
Using Horses in Fiction
A horse can travel 20 to 30 miles a day.
?Horses can travel upwards of thirty (and some, even forty) miles per
hour. They cannot sustain this pace for long, though. A horse can
gallop a couple of miles at full steam, but the same horse can canter
(or lope) much farther. Trotting (either a fast trot or a jog trot)
isn't a bad way to travel, but you don't get very far very fast.
Faster trotting is tiring to the rider as well because you are posting
(rising up and down out of the saddle on alternate beats). Horses can
walk all day, with brief rest periods.?
?Distances a horse can travel vary depending on the size of the party,
mounts, weather, terrain, and condition of the roads. Medieval people
traveled with everything they needed following in carts behind them. A
train of this sort wouldn't move fast. Mounted knights-- all on
well-conditioned destriers or palfreys -- would move fairly fast and
cover upwards of 50 or 60 miles per day. However, traveling 20 to 30
miles a day would be considered a good day's journey.?
Horses: An Information Site
Dr Steven Geldenhuys says that stallions in the wild are known to walk
40 miles a day.
Horse and Stable
?A horse can easily cover 15-30 miles a day.?
EnivroHorse Public Issue Paper
Search terms used:
"A horse can? ?miles in one day
"horse can" "* miles a day
I hope this helps!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |