First I'd like to point out the difference between conventional and
alternative health care. Conventional health care such drug therapy
for Hepatitis C is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Currently the FDA reports that,
"The FDA has approved two different treatment regimens for chronic
hepatitis C: monotherapy (using a single drug, interferon) and
combination therapy (using two drugs, interferon and ribavirin)."
Here's the article
Hepatitus C: An Update )This article originally appeared in the
July-August 2001 FDA Consumer. The version below is from a reprint of
the original article and contains revisions made in December 2001.)
So, the conventional scientifically backed answer to your question is
"no" there are no scientifically proven treatments to hepatitis C
other than interferon and ribavirin.
However, there has been some research, not enough to satisy the
scientific community, regarding the use of various conventional and
alternative treatments for hepatitis C.
The federal government is currently supporting clinical research for
conventional durg therapies such as
Thymosin Plus PEG-Interferon
Gamma Interferon Therapy
and others.
Here's a link to the clinical trials ongoing or seeking recruits.
Additionally there are a variety of studies looking into the use of
herbs such as Milk Thistle, Licorice Root and Ginseng to treat
hepatitis C and other liver problems. The authors of the study note
that only limited scientific research has been conducted in this area.
They define 'limited' as
"A small number of scientific studies have been done, but few have
been published in peer-reviewed journals. Some scientific information
may be available."
The article is entitled "Hepatitis C: Treatment Alternatives" and can
be found at
Finally, it's important to point out that there is both reliable and
unreliable medical information on the internet. I tried to provide
links to sources from only the most reliable and scientific sources
available. For more generalk and very reliable inforamtion on all the
aspects of Hepatitis C, I would recommend reading more of the articles
provided by the National Institute of Health
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