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Q: software degree programs in north america and europe ( Answered,   0 Comments )
Subject: software degree programs in north america and europe
Category: Reference, Education and News > Education
Asked by: babddj-ga
List Price: $200.00
Posted: 25 Aug 2004 02:08 PDT
Expires: 24 Sep 2004 02:08 PDT
Question ID: 392274
Kindly let me have a detailed list of universities running sofware
engineering degree programs in North America and Europe and also i
will like to know the ones that are highly rated and also those with
added advantages to allow their graduates to be highly sought after.
Subject: Re: software degree programs in north america and europe
Answered By: guillermo-ga on 31 Aug 2004 13:27 PDT
Dear babddj-ga,

First, I can show you a list of 108 American Universities that I found
ranked on the criteria of "educational effectiveness" and ?faculty

1.	Stanford University
2.	Massachusetts Inst of Technology
3.	University of California-Berkeley
4.	Carnegie Mellon University
5.	Cornell University
6.	Princeton University
7.	University of Washington
8.	U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
9.	University of Texas at Austin
10.	California Institute Technology
11.	University of Wisconsin-Madison
12.	Brown University
13.	Harvard University
14.	Univ of California-Los Angeles
15.	Yale University
16.	University of Maryland College Park
17.	New York University
18.	Rice University
19.	University of Michigan
20.	U of Massachusetts at Amherst
21.	Columbia University
22.	University of Pennsylvania [b]
23.	University of Southern California
24.	University of Rochester
25.	Purdue University
26.	Univ of California-San Diego
27.	U of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
28.	Rutgers State Univ-New Brunswick
29.	Duke University
30.	State U of New York-Stony Brook
31.	University of Chicago
32.	Indiana University
33.	Georgia Institute of Technology
34.	University of Virginia
35.	University of Arizona
36.	University of California-Irvine
37.	University of Utah
38.	Johns Hopkins University
39.	Ohio State University
40.	Northwestern University
41.	University of Colorado
42.	Syracuse University
43.	Oregon Graduate Inst Sci & Tech
44.	University of Pennsylvania [a]
45.	University of Minnesota
46.	University of Pittsburgh
47.	Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst
48.	University of Illinois at Chicago
49.	Michigan State University
50.	University of Florida
51.	Pennsylvania State University
52.	Washington University
53.	University of California-Davis
54.	State Univ of New York-Buffalo
55.	Boston University
56.	CUNY Grad Sch & Univ Center
57.	Dartmouth College
58.	Univ of California-Santa Barbara
59.	Univ of California-Santa Cruz
60.	Texas A&M University
61.	Arizona State University
62.	University of Iowa
63.	North Carolina State University
64.	George Washington University
65.	University of Oregon
66.	Case Western Reserve Univ
67.	Univ of Southwestern Louisiana
68.	University of Kentucky
69.	University of South Florida
70.	University of Nebraska-Lincoln
71.	Virginia Polytech Inst & State U
72.	University of Texas at Dallas
73.	Louisiana State U & A&M College
74.	Vanderbilt University
75.	Iowa State University
76.	Oregon State University
77.	New Mexico State University
78.	Wayne State University
79.	Temple University
80.	University of Kansas
81.	University of Houston
82.	Kansas State University
83.	University of Texas at Arlington
84.	Washington State University
85.	University of Central Florida
86.	Southern Methodist University
87.	Illinois Institute of Technology
88.	Naval Postgraduate School
89.	U of Maryland Baltimore County
90.	Old Dominion University
91.	University of Connecticut
92.	University of Alabama-Huntsville
93.	Lehigh University
94.	University of South Carolina
95.	Mississippi State University
96.	University of Mass-Lowell
97.	University of North Texas
98.	Stevens Inst of Technology
99.	University of Oklahoma
100.	University of Alabama-Birmingham
101.	Florida State University
102.	University of Missouri-Rolla
103.	State Univ of New York-Binghamton
104.	Worcester Polytechnic Inst
105.	Kent State University
106.	Tulane University
107.	New Mexico Inst of Mining & Tech
108.	Oklahoma State University.

This ranking was obtained from Science, Math, and Engineering
Career Resources ( ), based on National Research
Council data. You can find it at

As I said, this ranking was based on two criteria: educational
effectiveness, and faculty quality. Now, you can obtain a customized
ranking, according to your priorities at
The system will give you back a ranked list, based on information by
the National Research Council, according to the weight you give to the
following criteria:

Educational Quality Measures
-Educational Effectiveness: Program is effective in educating researchers
-Change in Quality: Program quality has improved recently
-Median Years to Degree: The time required to earn a degree is low

Faculty Reputation and Activity Measures
-Faculty Quality: Scholarly quality of program faculty is high
-% of Faculty Publishing: A large percentage of the faculty has published recently
-Publications/Faculty: The average number of recent publications per
faculty member is high
-Citations/Faculty: The average number of recent citations of
faculty's work is high
-Gini Coefficient for Publications: The distribution of publications
per faculty member is uniform
-Gini Coefficient for Citations: The distribution of citations per
faculty member is uniform
-% Full Professors: A high / low percentage of faculty members are full professors

Program Size Measures
-Total Faculty: Faculty size is large / small
-Total Students: The number of students in the program is large / small
-Ph.D.s Granted: The number of Ph.D.s granted recently is large / small

Funding Measures
-% Faculty with Support: A large percentage of faculty have research support
-% of Ph.D.s with RA's: A large / small percentage of recent Ph.D.s
were supported by research assistantships
-% of Ph.D.s with TA's: A large / small percentage of recent Ph.D.s
were supported by teaching assistantships

Program Composition Measures
-% Female Students: The percentage of female students in the program is high
-% Female Ph.D.s: A large percentage of recent Ph.D.s were granted to women
-% Minority Ph.D.s: A large percentage of recent Ph.D.s were granted
to underrepresented minorities
-% US Citizen Ph.D.s:  A large / small percentage of recent Ph.D.s
were granted to U.S. citizens and permanent residents

The sources mentioned for the ranking were:
1 National Survey of Graduate Faculty 
2 Institutional Coordinator Response Data 
3 Doctorate Records File 
4 Federal Agencies 
5 Institute for Scientific Information

There?s another ranking for the top 100 American universities in the
field at The Vanguard Rankings (?The top 100 Universities in the
United States ranked by College
Professors?)( ). Here you are
the top 100 for Computer Sciences (classified as ?outstanding?,
?excellent?, ?very good? and
?good?( ):


Stanford University 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
University of California Berkeley 
Carnegie Mellon University 
Cornell University 


Princeton University 
University of Texas Austin 
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 
University of Washington 
University of Wisconsin Madison 
Harvard University 
California Institute of Technology 
Brown University 
University of California Los Angeles 
Yale University 
University of Maryland College Park 
New York University 
University of Massachusetts Amherst 
Rice University 
University of Southern California 

Very good

University of Michigan 
Columbia University 
University of California San Diego 
University of Chicago 
University of Pennsylvania b 
Purdue University 
Rutgers State University New Brunswick 
Duke University 
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill 
University of Rochester 
State University of New York Stony Brook 
Georgia Institute of Technology 
University of Arizona 
University of California Irvine 
University of Virginia 
Indiana University 
Johns Hopkins University 
Northwestern University 
Ohio State University 
University of Colorado 
University of Utah 
Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Technology 
University of Pittsburgh 
Syracuse University 
University of Pennsylvania a 
University of Florida 
University of Minnesota 
University of California Santa Barbara 
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 
University of California Santa Cruz 


University of Illinois Chicago 
Washington University 
Michigan State University 
Pennsylvania State University 
City University of New York Graduate School & University Center 
Dartmouth College 
Boston University 
University of California Davis 
State University of New York Buffalo 
North Carolina State University 
Arizona State University 
University of Iowa 
Texas A&M University 
University of Oregon 
University of Kentucky 
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 
Case Western Reserve University 
George Washington University 
University of South Florida 
Temple University 
Oregon State University 
University of Southwestern Louisiana 
Vanderbilt University 
University of Nebraska Lincoln 
University of Houston 
University of Texas Dallas 
Louisiana State University 
Iowa State University 
New Mexico State University 
Wayne State University 
Washington State University 
Kansas State University 
University of Central Florida 
Naval Postgraduate School 
University of Texas Arlington 
University of Kansas 
University of Alabama Huntsville 
Old Dominion University 
University of Maryland Baltimore County 
Southern Methodist University 
Illinois Institute of Technology 
University of Connecticut 
University of South Carolina 
University of North Texas 
Florida State University 
Lehigh University 
University of Mass Lowell 
University of Alabama Birmingham 
Mississippi State University 
Kent State University

As is stated in the webpage:
The programs ?were ranked based on nationwide surveys of professors in
Political Science and are an adaptation of data compiled by the
National Research Council [ ] (?) these rankings
reflect faculty reputations, largely citation patterns. In other
words, the highest ranked programs in this discipline are those whose
faculty research achievements were the most outstanding?.
?The above list is an adaptation of one of the 41 discipline listings
from Appendix P of Change and Continuity: Research-Doctorate Programs
in the United States (National Academy Press). Programs that placed
below 100 have not been listed. Appendix P was resorted to construct
listings of program majors by university, the framework mathematically
for the Vanguard Rankings.? If you are interested in this source, it?s
available for purchase at the National Academy Press website (see ).

This service doesn?t have a customizable feature to get a ranking
according to your priorities, but its parameters are previously fixed,
thus this ranking will probably be somewhat different than the ones
you could get at However, I compared the top 10 of both
lists, and found that positions 1 to 6 and 8 matched exactly;
positions 7 and 9 are shifted, and at position 10 there?s the only
actual divergence ?although in the respective complete lists the
number ten for one is the number eleven or twelve in the other.

1.	Stanford University
2.	Massachusetts Inst of Technology
3.	University of California-Berkeley
4.	Carnegie Mellon University
5.	Cornell University
6.	Princeton University
7.	University of Washington / University of Texas Austin
8.	University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
9.	University of Texas at Austin / University of Washington
10.	California Institute Technology / University of Wisconsin Madison

Another famous source for different kind of rankings is the U.S. News
and World Report ( ). But for
disciplines others than the ones they classify as ?Big 5? (Business,
Education, Law, Medicine, and Engineering ?in general, not
specialties), they only list for free the top 3. In the field of
Computer Sciences (
) they are:
Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 4.9
Massachusetts Institute of Technology  4.9
Stanford University (CA)

And for Computer Engineering

Massachusetts Institute of Technology  4.9
Stanford University (CA) 4.9 
University of California?Berkeley  4.9

As you can see, they all match with the Top 4 of the other two rankings.

The complete rankings by U.S. News and World Report are only available
if purchasing the Premium Online Edition. See its description at

As to the programs offering their graduates additional advantages  to
be offered job positions, I?ve found no differentiation but the
program quality recognition itself. According to the article ?Job
Market Beckons Budding Engineers? by Marvin V. Greene, at ?The Black
Collegian Online? (
) -which complete reading I believe you?ll find very illustrative-
technological careers ?engineering, computes sciences- are attracting
employers to the campuses more than others:

?Employers, meantime, are pulling out all the stops to get top
engineers into their organizations, starting with increasing salaries,
benefits and other perks. Employer campus visits, interviews with
students, job postings, and resume requests were up in 1999 over 1998,
according to responses in a poll of the career services practitioners
by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) of
Bethlehem, PA., which offers career information through its Internet
site at Engineering and computer science students are
the most sought graduates, even ahead of business and financial fields
such as accounting and business administration. High technology
companies seeking next-generation engineers are the most visible on
campus, the study said.?

To have an idea on what campuses would they visit first, I searched
the NACE?s internet site . It led me to NACE?s
surveys webpage at
. There I found the very comprehensive ?1999 - 2000 Taulbee Report
(Computing Research Association) Information on enrollment,
production, employment of Ph.D.?s in computer science and computer
engineering? . Its edition
2002-2003 ( ), in
its section ?Rankings?, includes a ranking of Universities for
computer science departments based on information from the National
Research Council (the same used by the ones we?ve seen above)
( ), which will show
you not a big difference from the other rankings we?ve seen, while the
particular interest in this one is being the one that employers will
probably be more inclined to follow, since it?s included in an
employer?s knowledge base. An additional interest is the inclusion of
Canadian departments in the survey.

Regarding to Europe, you?ll find of interest the Guide to Higher
Education in Europe (
). On page 23, section it reads:

?There is no specific ranking of European universities (unlike that of
US universities). Most of the universities are of equal level and
standard, however they differ in the programs the offer an because of
their departments and faculties.
?The universities where you wish to apply depend on your choice of
program that you wish to pursue. Select the universities that offer
your desired program. It depends also on the courses they offer and
the professors/teachers they have in their faculty??

However, at page 25 there is a ?List of Top-rated European
Universities?, which I could not copy here because the page would not
allow it.

As a search strategy, for North America I directly consulted the
resources I mentioned above, which I already knew. For Europe, my
search words were ?top European universities? ?software engineering?
and ?computer science?.

I hope this information meets your needs. For any clarification,
please feel free to ask. Thank you for your question.

Best regards,

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