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Q: galloping groupie ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   11 Comments )
Subject: galloping groupie
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: melisa-ga
List Price: $5.00
Posted: 26 Aug 2004 18:59 PDT
Expires: 25 Sep 2004 18:59 PDT
Question ID: 393196
It's simple horse sense that this mascot would root for a two-time
national champ, considering he's won a few titles of his own. I need
to know the name of this galloping groupie and where i can find a
picture of him
Subject: Re: galloping groupie
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 27 Aug 2004 20:57 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Thanks for accepting my suggestion as your answer.

The white horse who is the Mascot of the USC Trojans fits the clues
very well: "horse sense" and "galloping" are obvious. The current
mascot, "Traveler V", was a national champion show horse.

"Traveler, USC's Mascot
Traveler, the noble white horse that appears at all USC home football
games with a regal Trojan warrior astride, is one of the most famous
college mascots...

The current Trojan mascot is 2-time national champion show horse
Traveler V, a 12-year-old Andalusian gelding who first appeared during
the 1997 season."

College Basketball Tickets: USC Trojans History

Here are links to some photos of Traveler:

University of Southern California

The Daily Californian

Graphics: Fans Only

Google search strategy:

Google Web Search: traveler trojans usc

Google Image Search: traveler usc

I hope this helps! Please request clarification if any of the links
don't work for you.

Best regards,

Request for Answer Clarification by melisa-ga on 28 Aug 2004 04:55 PDT
This may sound silly but for the answer should I put Traveler or Traveler V?

Clarification of Answer by pinkfreud-ga on 28 Aug 2004 11:47 PDT
That's a good question. I'd expect that either "Traveler" or "Traveler
V" would be accepted, but if I were entering the contest, I think I
would put "Traveler V," since that is the name of the current mascot
who has "won a few titles of his own."

Request for Answer Clarification by melisa-ga on 13 Sep 2004 10:31 PDT
To Marlboro Winner, I take it you won last year? Lick is also a block
of salt used for animals. Which do you think is correct?

Clarification of Answer by pinkfreud-ga on 13 Sep 2004 13:08 PDT
Hi, Melisa.

I am required to respond, since you have send a request for answer
clarification, but it appears that you are actually addressing a
commenter. In such cases, it is better to post in the "Comments"

melisa-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $1.00
Thank You

Subject: Re: galloping groupie
From: lkggurl-ga on 27 Aug 2004 09:02 PDT
I am also in the same contest.  I am not sure if this right but it's
worth checking into. USC basketball or football.  Let me know if it
helps.  Good Luck!
Subject: Re: galloping groupie
From: melisa-ga on 27 Aug 2004 17:48 PDT
Oh my! I am surprised. you shouldn't have a problem getting any
answers. Looks like your chances are far better than mine. Good Luck
to you. I haven't checked out your comment yet but I'll let you know
what I find.
Subject: Re: galloping groupie
From: pinkfreud-ga on 27 Aug 2004 17:54 PDT
This might help:

"Traveler, USC's Mascot... 
The current Trojan mascot is 2-time national champion show horse
Traveler V, a 12-year-old Andalusian gelding who first appeared during
the 1997 season."
Subject: Re: galloping groupie
From: melisa-ga on 27 Aug 2004 18:07 PDT
I think that you are right on again Pink, Thank You  
To the person that is in the contest- Hopefully me and you are the
only ones that know about google!
Subject: Re: galloping groupie
From: pinkfreud-ga on 27 Aug 2004 18:12 PDT

Do you want me to gather some more information about the USC mascot
and post this as the answer to your question?

Subject: Re: galloping groupie
From: melisa-ga on 27 Aug 2004 18:25 PDT
Yes you can post this as the answer. Thank You. I found a pic but its
really small. Thats really all I need.
Subject: Re: galloping groupie
From: pinkfreud-ga on 28 Aug 2004 21:19 PDT
Thanks for the five stars and the tip, Melisa!

Best of luck in the contest.

Subject: Re: galloping groupie
From: marlborowinner-ga on 12 Sep 2004 20:48 PDT
no you are not the only ones   and it does matter about it being
traveler or traveler v     but you got to figure that out     i love
scoping the answers to see what some people think is correct     by
the was   a jar of lick   is not necessarily molasses  you'll see what
i mean   bye bye for now
Subject: Re: galloping groupie
From: marlborowinner-ga on 24 Sep 2004 10:25 PDT
no did not win last year   just wishfull thinking   the grand prize
winner of last year can not compete again    at least that knocks one
team off the raceway    good luck to all
Subject: Re: galloping groupie
From: marlborowinner-ga on 24 Sep 2004 10:28 PDT
oh about jar of lick     i have been told either  honey or molasses  
cause they would lick the jar to keep the lid from sticking   still
trying to get concrete on that on  good luck
Subject: Re: galloping groupie
From: bobbyray-ga on 04 Oct 2004 19:51 PDT
I may be wrong here, but I think this is right.. How I read the
question they are asking for the TWO time winning NATIONAL CHAMPS that
has a horse as mascot that has a few titles also.. If I am reading the
question right, Then USC and Traveler V is wrong. I thought it was
right also but after some research and rereading it can't be right..
USC has won 8 National Championship games... and Yes Traveler V has
won 2.. But I think we are looking for the 2 time winning team with a
mascot that has a few titles as well.. Let me know what ya'll think,

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