A web site indicates that a book called "Life Against Death" (1985) by
Norman O. Brown cites the quotation to Rilke?s 1899 essay "Über
'For example, in the chapter "Art and Eros" Brown quotes the following
passages from Rilke?s 1899 essay "Ueber Kunst," containing ideas and
images that I still find inspiring:
"Again and again someone in the crowd wakes up, he has no ground in
the crowd, and he emerges according to much broader laws. He carries
strange customs with him and demands room for bold gestures. The
future speaks ruthlessly through him."'
Againt, there is apparently a citation "Über Kunst" (1899) in the "Art
and Eros" chapter in Life Against Death: The Psychoanalytical Meaning
of History
by Norman Oliver Brown
My German skills are not strong, but clearly the same quotation
appears on a web site devoted to Rilke. Again, the citation is to
"Über Kunst" (1899).
"Die Geschichte ist das Verzeichnis der Zufrühgekommenen. Da wacht
immer wieder einer in der Menge auf, der in ihr keine Ursache hat und
dessen Erscheinen sich in breiteeren Gesetzen begründet. Er bringt
fremde Gebäuche mit und fordert Raum für unbescheidene Gebärden. So
wächst eine Gewaltsamkeit aus ihm un ein Wille, der über Furcht und
Ehrfurcht wie über Steine schreitet. Rücksichtslos redet Zukünftiges
durch ihn...
...Aus: Über Kunst (1899)"
If you don't read German, you can run that through any machine
translation site (e.g., http://babelfish.altavista.com/ ) and you'll
see that it roughly corresponds to your quotation.
search strategy:
"future speaks ruthlessly"
"Über Kunst", 1899, site:rilke.de
Thanks! |