I have an e-mail address that appears on just about every spammer's
list, and I get over 300 spam per day (increasing daily, of course).
It's of the form xxx@xxx.com. At the moment, the company that serves
my web pages (http://www.xxx.com/whatever) is the same one that
handles my POP account (xxx@xxx.com, plus anythingelse@xxx.com).
I love their web hosting, but since barter is involved, I have to
write to a very overworked fellow who undoubtedly gets even more spam
than I do. He overlooked an e-mail I sent him on this topic, and of
course I could send it again (and might well do so), but in the
meantime I thought I'd figure out my other options.
At the moment the account has xxx@xxx.com as the primary (real) e-mail
account for that domain. All other addresses (whatever@xxx.com) go
into the same mailbox. Those "whatevers" have coded names that
spammers can't guess. And Mail rules put almost all of those into a
separate mailbox when I go pick up my mail.
The problem is, it takes a LOOOONG time (and obviously soon to
increase time) to download all the spam, just to get the 3 to 10 real
messages I get every day.
I've looked at my domain records and I see that there's an entry which
seems to direct e-mail lookups to xxx.com to a particular mail server.
My goal is:
(1) To not have to bother the fellow who overlooked my previous e-mail...
(2) To continue to have my web stuff hosted by them...
(3) To DELETE (or undesignate, or something) the main address
xxx@xxx.com so that all mail to that address is bounced back so it
never enters any of my mailboxes...
(4) To choose a different address as the main ("real") e-mail account
for that domain (maybe something like secret58749257@xxx.com)...
(5) As now, have all mail addressed to other xxx.com addresses go into
the real account (secret58749257@xxx.com)...
(6) Thus be able to pick up all my e-mail to everything OTHER than
xxx@xxx.com without having to download (and/or wade through) all the
spam heading for xxx@xxx.com
I am wondering if there is a way to do this by changing the Domain
Name entry with the company that registered xxx.com in the first
place, but not changing the domain name records with regards to FTP or
HTTP. So here are my questions:
(A) Is there a way to do this without having to change how my web pages are served?
(B) If so, how do I do this?
(C) If not, what is the most efficient way to achieve goals 1 through 6?
I think someone out there knows the answer to this question off the
top of their head, with very little thinking or research required. So
I'm looking for a brief answer of the form:
No, you can't separate e-mail from web functions, so to achieve your
goals you'd have to do X and Y and then Z.
Yes, you can separate the two, just change the domain name record for
the e-mail servicing to blah blah blah, and get yourself a Linux POP
server to run by yourself, and here's one or two websites that explain
how to do this.
Thanks, everyone!! |