The duty is 0.625 cents per pound, raw value, but many imports are
exempt because of various preferences and programs in which their
countries participate.
"The duty of 0.625 cents per pound, raw value, continues on quota
imports. Most countries continue to avoid the duty because of GSP or
CBI programs."
source: "Sugar Policies: Opportunity for Change"
World Bank, February 2004
"The import tariff on 96-degree raw sugar imports is 0.625 cents a pound, and
1.66 cents a pound for refined sugar. Countries with special preferences such
as the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), Caribbean Basin Countries
(CBI), and Andean Preference countries have the low duty waived. The tariff on
imports above the TRQ is 36.86 cents a kilogram (16.72 cents a pound) for raw
cane sugar in 1997, and 38.90 cents a kilogram (17.65 cents a pound) on refined
sugar. "
source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, SUGAR AND SWEETENERS
search strategy:
"duty on sugar", site:gov
"duty on sugar" "generalized system"
"0.625 cents" sugar
I hope this helps. |