College ? top ten lists.
1. Largest and smallest
According to Top colleges, the largest and
smallest are:
University of Texas at Austin
University of Minnesota Twin Cities Campus
University of Florida
Texas A&M University
University of Wisconsin ? Madison
The Pennsylvania State University, Park Campus
University of Michigan
New York University.
Smallest Colleges
Webb institute - 72
The Curtis Institute of Music -160
San Francisco Conservatory of Music -287
Thomas Aquinas College -332
College of the Atlantic - 262
Christendom College - 433
Cleveland Institute of Music - 413
Based on the figures below the smallest colleges are:
1. Webb institute
2. West Suburban College of Nursing
3. The Curtis Institute of Music
4. College of the Atlantic
5. San Francisco Conservatory of Music
6. Thomas Aquinas College
7. Manhattan Christian College
8. Arkansas Baptist College
9. Springfield College
10. Cleveland Institute of Music
According to xap, Webb institute has 72 students enrolled
According to Illinois Mentor, West Suburban College of Nursing has 105
students enrolled
According to xap, The Curtis Institute of Music has 160 students enrolled
According to xap, College of the Atlantic has 262 students enrolled.
According to, San Francisco Conservatory of
Music has 287 students enrolled.
According to xap, Thomas Aquinas College has 332 students enrolled.
According to Kansas Mentor, Manhattan Christian College has 336 students enrolled
According to Campus Tours, Arkansas Baptist College has 375 students enrolled.
According to Illinois Mentor, Springfield College has 400 students enrolled.
According to xap, Cleveland Institute of Music has 413 students enrolled
According to xap, Christendom college has 433 students enrolled.
Using the enrolment figures from the reported crimes figures, the
largest colleges are:
1. University of Texas, Austin 38,162
2. Northern Virginia Community College 37,073
3. Foothill ? De Anza College 36,963
4. Texa A&M University, College Station 36,229
5. Pennsylvania State University, University Park 34,406
6. Michigan State University 34,342
7. Arizona, Main Campus 33,985
8. University of Florida 32, 680
9. Purdue University, Indiana 32,669
10. University of Minnesota ? Twin Cities 31,824
2. Safest
This list is based on the colleges with no incidences of violent crime
(as per the reported crimes 2002) with the highest student numbers.
The figures are the number of students. The limitations of the list
are that there are not figures available for all colleges.
1. Lost Hill-De Anza College 36,963
2. Macomb Community College, Michigan 22,001
3. Salt Lake Community College, Utah 21,596
4. Richland College, Texas 12,537
5. Allan Hancock College, California 12,110
6. Oakland University Michigan 12,002
7. Brookdale Community College, New Jersey 11,552
8. Middlesex County College 10,398
9. Nevada Truckee Meadows Community College 9,930
10. Cuesta College, California 9,496
3. Most dangerous
This list is based on the offences known to law enforcement by
University and College, 2002. The list can be seen via the link below.
The colleges in the top ten list have the highest ratio of violent
crime to number of students enrolled. (Note the students numbers are
from 2000.) The limitations of the list are that there are not figures
available for all colleges.
1. University of Medicine and Dentistry, Newark, New Jersey 39:829
2. University of Oklahoma, Health Sciences Centre 23:601
3. University of Maryland, Baltimore City 12:750
4. Savannah State University 15:2070
5. Morgan State University, Maryland 37:5685
6. Coppin State College, Maryland 19:3092
7. University of Texas, Medical Bracnh 4:653
8. Benedict College, South Carolina 16:2966
9. Emerson College, Massachussets 16:3168
10. South Carolina State University 18:3639
Offences known to law enforcement by University and College 2002.
4. Party colleges
This list comes from Princeton review's annual "Best 357 Colleges"
survey, conducted since 1992, is based on responses from more than
110,000 students at campuses around the country.
1. Albany
2. Washington and Lee University
3. Lexington, Va.;
4. The University of Wisconsin-Madison;
5. West Virginia University, Morgantown;
6. Ohio University, Athens;
7. Florida State University, Tallahassee;
8. University of Texas-Austin; University of Georgia, Athens;
9. University of Colorado;
10. University of Mississippi.
According to Sports Illustrated, the Top 10 sports colleges are:
1. Texas
2. Stanford
3. Oklahoma
4. Florida
5. South Carolina
6. LSU
7. Minnesota
8. North Carolina
9. Tennessee
10. Michigan
6. Top 5 Major Frat Schools
Site registration (free) is required to access the full top 20 list.
1. DePauw University
2. Florida A&M University
3. Wofford College
4. Southern Methodist University
5. Bucknell University
Other lists that may interest you:
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The Princeton Review has a number of lists ranking colleges based on
Adademics, administration, demographics, parties, quality of life and
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