I am not certain what you're needing. Does this help?
"SAC Bases: Offutt Air Force Base
Location: Omaha, Nebraska
Home of: SAC Headquarters, 55th Strategic Recon Wing, 385th Bomb Wing
Status: Headquarters of U.S. Strategic Command...
Offutt faced monumental changes in 1992 when the easing of world
tensions allowed the United States to reorganize its Air Force. The
Strategic Air Command was disestablished here June 1, 1992, and the
new, unified command, U.S. Strategic Command was activated. With this
historical change, the operational control of Offutt became the
responsibility of Air Combat Command, another of the Air Force's new
commands. One of nine unified warfighting commands, USSTRATCOM is
responsible for the planning, targeting, and wartime employment of the
United States? nuclear forces.
Offutt Air Force Base is home to the United States Air Force?s
premiere reconnaissance and command-and-control operations. Among the
base?s numerous and diverse units and missions, all branches of the
U.S. armed forces are represented in a workforce that exceeds 10,000
military and civilian personnel. The base?s fleet of RC-135, OC-135,
and WC-135 aircraft are in constant demand around the world to provide
global situational awareness to military leaders and government
officials. Additionally, its E-4B aircraft provide transport and
command and control for the President, the Secretary of Defense, and
Secretary of State.
Air Force Weather Agency is a field operating agency of the
Headquarters U.S. Air Force Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for
Air and Space Operations, Weather Directorate (AF/XOW). Each day, AFWA
builds the world?s most comprehensive weather database to provide
forecast products to Air Force and Army warfighters, the National
Command Authorities, base and post weather stations, the National
Reconnaissance Office, and others. It was formed October 15, 1997, and
is located at Offutt Air Force Base. Air Force Weather Agency was
formed as part of a reengineering effort to streamline and improve the
structure of the former Air Weather Service. This was a result of the
realignment of Air Weather Service headquarters staff from Scott AFB,
Ill. and the former Air Force Global Weather Center [Central], DOD's
primary centralized weather production facility at Offutt. AFWA is
organized into a headquarters element with two subordinate centers.
Nearly 574 of the agency's 729 members are located at Offutt AFB, Neb.
AFWA is not an automated production center. It is a computer-based
operation heavily reliant on the interaction between people and
computers to produce accurate and complete services in support of
operational requirements. AFWA products and services support the war
fighter, the base or post weather station, national programs, command
and control agencies and systems, and other validated operational and
planning functions. As new requirements emerge, AFWA applies
information from the central database to the task."
http://www.strategic-air-command.com/bases/Offutt_AFB.htm |