Under Google Answers rules we cannot provide such personal
information. However, I can tell you how to get the gentleman's phone
number yourself. Go to the Pages Juanes at
(http://www.pagesjaunes.fr/pb.cgi). Put the individual's last name
next to "Nom," his first name next to "Prenom" and the city under
Unfortunately, there is no comprehensive directory for e-mail
addresses. You can try (www.whowhere.com) or (people.yahoo.com). The
best bet, however, is just to type in the name, between quotes, as a
Google search. If it is a common name, you might want to add something
to identify which one is the person you seek, such as the name of the
place where he works. For example, if you are looking for a Mark Smith
of the New York Times, you might want to look for "`Mark Smith' New
York Times."
Good luck.
Search strategy:
France telephone directory
<://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=France+telephone+directory> |