This may be quite long winded but I want to provide as much detail as possible.
During my childhood I was registered with an NHS dentist and attended
my appointments, nothing really out of the ordinary except it was
noted that I had a problem with enamal wearing off my teeth. This was
put down to fizzy drinks.
When I was approximately 20 years of age I missed an appointment and
was "struck off" - I am 23 now and havn't visited a dentist since.
Lately I have become concerned about the cosmetic appearance of my
teeth, there is very little enamal left and as a result my teeth have
eroded considerably, some teeth have eroded down to the root.
I realised that I needed to do something about this and visited a
private dental practice. After several consultations, x-rays and
impressions the dentist has provided me with a treatment plan and
quotation. Below is a direct quote from the dentist which comes to
some £12,000 pounds. My question is should I have to pay this or
should it be provided by the NHS, also what is my best course of
action. And finally is the quotation reasonable for the work which
needs doing.
I hope someone can give me some good news, if I have to pay for this
is is equivlent to about 6 months salary and I really cant afford it.
If I dont do it i'll probably have no teeth at all within the next 2
"Dear Ben
It has been a pleasure to meet you at our practice in recent times and
discuss your dental problems and needs. An interesting case!
The initial examination revealed that you are fit and well, and a
non-smoker. You do not take any prescibed medication routinely.
Your principal concern is the loss of tooth tissue and the poor
appearance of your anterior teeth.
Periodontal Condition
The bone support for your teeth is good. Your plaque control was
initially inadequate but folloing treatment with your hygienest *****
********* this has improved to an acceptable level. Pocket depths were
seen to be below 3mm
The "fizzy drinks" in your diet were seen as a principal factor in
your present dental condition.
A class I occlusion with severe loss of tooth tissue in all areas.
Slightly more noteable in the upper than the lower arch.
The upper right 1 is root treated but otherwise all teeth exhibit
vitality. However teeth at upper right 2 and upper left 1 & 2 will
require root canal treatment because of severe loss of tooth tissue.
In order to restore the missing tooth tissue, all teeth will need to
be restored using porcelains, resins and in the case of the second
molars, gold.
You have seen the models showing how your teeth would look when
restored. There would be benefit in restoring the upper anterior teeth
with laboratory constructed temporary acrylics whilst the posterior
teeth were reconstructed in porcelain. This would allow adjustments to
be made on the acrylic prior to porcelain fabrication.
You expressed a wish to organise your treatment over approximatley a
year. Whilst this is possible is does increase the cost slightly
becuase of the need for some long-term provisional restorations.
I will give you a costing based on long-term provisional restorations,
but there may be savings to be made depending on the need for these
Each porcelain restoration costs £400.00 and these will be required at
upper right 6,5,4,3,2,1 and upper left 1,2,3,4,5,6 and lower right
6,5,4,3,2,1 and lower left 1,2,3,4,5,6 (total of 24 teeth at £9,600)
Root canan treatments at upper right 2 and upper left 1 & 2 are £215 each (£645)
The anterior provisional restorations are £50 each. These would not be
needed at lower right 3,2,1 and lower left 1,2,3. They may be avoided
in all areas but we must maintain contact on both front and back teeth
at all times. The the short term (weeks), this can be done with
composite at no extra cost. In the longer term (months) this will
require provisional restorations. Gold onlays on the 4 second molars
are also £400 each (£1600)
Following treatment you will be required to wear a shield during
sleep. This is to protect your dentistry from a common clenching
habit. This will be provided free of charge.
I understand the commitment this represents, both in time and
financially. Please contact me with any queries you may have.
Best Wishes and Regards"