Hi! Thanks for accepting my proposal for coming up with an answer.
First of all, the Business 2.0 magazine provides a list of the top 100
fastest growing tech companies. The problem however is that you need
to be a subscriber at their website to access the complete list. The
Hyperion website however provides a free copy of the list and you can
view them at our first link.
?B2:100 Fastest Growing Tech Companies? (June 2004 report)
Our next links are references to different business segments that will
increase IT spending in the next couple of years or more.
IDC usually provides a report and forecasts IT spending and demand
among different industries and technology products. The forecast is
for 2002-2007. Here are references to their paid reports. You may want
to go and apply into technology companies that provide products or
services to the following industries:
a. Banking
b. Discrete Manufacturing ? ex. Auto manufacturing
c. Government
d. Healthcare
e. Construction
f. General Services Market
g. Retail - radio frequency identification (RFID
h. Telecoms
?The biggest overall spenders, said Lu, will be banking, discrete
manufacturing-- firms that assemble products from pre-made parts, such
as auto manufacturers--and government. The first two, in fact, will
account for a quarter of all spending worldwide during the next four
years, with manufacturing at 13 percent and banking at 12 percent?
?Software vendors eager to tap into the fastest-growing markets should
target healthcare, construction, and the general-services market,
according to IDC. These three spenders will burn through some $87
billion in 2007, Lu said.?
?IDC Pinpoints Hot Markets For IT Spending? (2002-2007 forecasts by IDC)
?Compliance with new regulatory requirements, such as the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act in accounting, HIPAA in healthcare, the USA PATRIOT
Act, and Basel II in banking, will continue to drive IT spending.?
?Retail is moving toward just-in-time retailing, and radio frequency
identification (RFID) is expected to change the relationship among
retail, manufacturing, and consumers. The usage and deployment of this
technology will have a big impact on retailers' mid- to long-term IT
spending strategies.?
?Manufacturing And Banking Industries To Lead U.S. IT Spending in
2004, IDC Report Reveals? (2003-2007 forecast by IDC)
?Technology spending tagged for growth?
Aside from the IDC forecast, I was also able to find another 2 year
forecast. The Kranert Technology forecast is for free and can be
accessed online. You may want to read the report in the entirety so
you can strategize much better in your sales career. Here is the link
to the Kranert Technology Report.
?Krannert Technology Forecast 2004-2006?
Search terms used:
IT vertical spending forecast 2004-2006 2007
I hope these links would help you in your research. Before rating this
answer, please ask for a clarification if you have a question or if
you would need further information.
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