According to a report written by attorney, David Turner, on
VisaLaw.com, there are 110,000 Americans registered with American
Citizen Services. There are 250,000 Americans in the UK with 200,000
located in London.
According to EscapeArtist.com there are 200,000 Americans living in London.
According to the US embassy, it is estimated that over 200,000
Americans reside in the UK.
According to UK Government statistics, in 2001, the total number of
Canadian and USA born persons living in the UK is 231,000. Almost half
of overseas-born immigrants to the UK emigrate again within five
A 2004 NBC report quotes US Embassy figures of 250,000 Americans
living in Great Britain. http://msnbc.msn.com/id/4631208/
This 2003 report from Post-gazette.com quotes a US Embassy figure of
250,000 Americans in the UK.
I performed a number of searches to find average unit size of expat
families living in London and could not find any survey carried out to
find this information.
4. Based on the figures below for the number of military and civilian
personnel on US bases in the UK. The average family size is 2.19.
5. After London there are large concentrations of Americans in the US
bases in the UK. These are located in the following counties:
RAF Fairford, Gloucestershire, RAF Felwell, Norfolk, RAF Lakenheath,
Suffolk, RAF Alconbury, Cambridgeshire, RAF Mildenhall, Suffolk and
RAF Molesworth, Cambridgeshire.
According to Pentagon figures, 12,000 troops are stationed in Britain.
(Note: if the numbers of family member and civilian employees are
included there are a greater number of American in the UK.
The largest US base in the UK is in RAF Lakenheath.
Details of the number of Americans based at Lakenheath (Source:
Lakenheath Family Support Centre.).
Active duty ? 5,000
Family members ? 7,300
Civilian workforce ? 1,400
Retirees - 600,000+%22family+members%22&hl=en
According to Liberty Wing online there are 5,000 military and 2,000
civilians at RAF Lakenheath.
RAF Mildenhall ? base demographics (Source: RAF Mildenhall Family Support Centre.).
Active duty ? 3934
Family members ? 8489
Civilian workforce ? 255
Retirees - 600
RAF Molesworth
1998 figures (Source:Globalssecurity.org).
Active Duty 1400
Family members 2400
Retirees 1,320
Civilian employees 665
6. According to MSNBC news Americans stay in the UK for an average of
3 to 4 years.
Almost half of overseas-born immigrants to the UK emigrate again within five years.
<Search strategy:>
<A large number of search phrases were used including:>
<living in london" "americans" embassy consular>
<"living in the uk" "americans" embassy>
<"us military personnel" "based in britain">
<"RAF lakenheath" 5,000 "family members">
<"RAF mildenhall" "family members">
<Hope this helps.> |