Science Fiction Story Title/Author
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Books and Literature Asked by: chubdick-ga List Price: $2.00 |
04 Sep 2004 21:08 PDT
Expires: 04 Oct 2004 21:08 PDT Question ID: 396986 |
I'm looking for the title and author of a short story I remember. I think Ray Bradbury is the author, but I'm not sure. The story is about a home full of automated robots which perform every task, from cooking meals to vacuuming the floor to maintaining the garden. Eventually, you realize that there are no people in the story's universe. Something has happened to all the people that used to live there (I remember having the impression that there was some sort of nuclear holocaust, though the story leaves that unspecified), but the automated-robot-house is unaware and continues acting like everyone is still alive. |
Re: Science Fiction Story Title/Author
Answered By: juggler-ga on 04 Sep 2004 21:29 PDT Rated: |
Hello. The story is "There Will Come Soft Rains" (1950) by Ray Bradbury. See this description from a newsgroup post: > >> it is a story about a > >> house that is totally automated... makes breakfast and feeds the pets and > >> washes dishes and stuff BUT there is no one living there... it is > >> post-apocalypse I think... Anyway, the whole story is about this house going > >> about it's business even though everyone is gone. ... > Me, too. As you may have read by now it is a Ray Bradbury tale called > "There Will Come Soft Rains".' http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&c2coff=1&selm=3676D79F.32E6%40rocketmail.com&prev=/groups%3Fq%3Dbradbury%2B%2522makes%2Bbreakfast%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26c2coff%3D1%26selm%3D3676D79F.32E6%2540rocketmail.com%26rnum%3D1 It appears that the text of the story is available here: http://members.hometown.aol.com/_ht_a/jaruggiero/softrains/ Or on any of these sites located with Google: ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&c2coff=1&q=%22Come+Soft+Rains%22+%22Outside%2C+the+garage+chimed+and+lifted%22&btnG=Search --------- search strategy: google groups: "no people" bradbury story bradbury "makes breakfast" google: "There Will Come Soft Rains" bradbury I hope this helps. |
rated this answer:
just what i was looking for. thanks. |
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