Without knowing the processor type (there are several Broadcom chips)
and the type of Surfboard you have (again, several versions) it is
difficult to narrow things down, but from your starting point, perhaps
these are not necessary, as it looks like you have much to read and
digest before specific details will be relevant to you.
Below I've found some good sites to look over and learn more about
cable modems, embedded systems and how they are currently being used,
and altered in various ways. cable-modem.org is a good place to start,
and then work your way out from there. They have some exclent
tutorials on just about all aspects of cable-modem design and
Links of interest
EE Time Embedded Developers Journal Home Page
Embedded Systems The Hidden Opportunity
How To .. Surfboard Cable Modems
SB4100 Surfboard GI Motorola Cablemodems
Queries Used on Google
+"Cable modem" +"firmware"
+Surfboard +firmware
+"Embedded Systems" +"Surfboard"
Thanks for the question,
webadept-ga |
Request for Answer Clarification by
15 Jul 2002 19:57 PDT
Hi again. Thank you for the sites, they have helped me a lot on my
start. First of all, I already know all the standards for cable
modems, and how they work, so that is not necessary. Basically I would
like to take a firmware file, used by the Motorola Surfboard 4100
(which I have discovered used the Broadcom BCM3350 chip) and edit it
to my liking. Where can I start to learn about the assembly language
used for this chip so I will be able to edit the firmware? Or maybe
you can send me to a place that will do the editing for me, with a
price. Thanks.