Here are two connected questions about blogging flexibility:
1. Changing host. After blogging at one site, if I want to change to
another, what happens to earlier posted and archived blog texts? Do I
somehow ?take? them with me to a new site? (How?)
2. Searching by topic: I might write on several topics on a given day.
Do some ?blogsites? provide a ?search previous blogs by topic?
feature, or can you only search by date? ( Do some also offer a
complete text-search?)
An earlier posting of this question did not get replies (maybe because
it had sub-questions, so I?ve simplified things here.)
It did get this request from mvguy-ga, though, which is relevant, so
I?ll include the reply, right below it:
Are you willing to set up your own domain and to use blogging software
based on your own computer rather than using the services of a
blogging host? If so, you have a great deal more flexibility, but you
also need a bit more technical expertise (not necessarily a lot for a
basic blog, but probably more if you want features such as search and
user comments). And if you'd be willing to do that, are you using the
Windows operating system or a different one? (You have more choices
with Windows.) If you could explain how much much technical expertise
and how much non-writing work you want to put into this, it would help
me or another Researcher develop an answer. Thanks!
bbb?s reply to the Researcher?s query above: First I have Windows.
Second, I?ve studied programming, but have little current technical
expertise, and no desire to do anything technical. If the flexibility
I?ve asked about is not available through blogging services, then what
about this: I?ve used cheap software to create a website (no coding),
which is then hosted by hosting services, using my own domain name.
Could I do the same with blogs, to achieve the results discussed
above? That is, use software to create a blog, then upload it to a
blog-hosting service? |