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How do I rid my apartment of ants???
Category: Family and Home > Home Asked by: johnfrommelbourne-ga List Price: $5.00 |
15 Jul 2002 07:05 PDT
Expires: 14 Aug 2002 07:05 PDT Question ID: 39726 |
I have a modern spacious apartment in the middle of Melbourne city,Australia(amongst the skyscrapers), but suffer one embarrassing problem; ants, the little tiny black ones. I just thought someone may know of an old fashioned remedy or other innovative way to get rid of my ants that is something different from what I have tried which is simply using the various potions available from the supermarket shelf; with absolutely no success at all!! I suppose I could spend up big and bring in a pest exterminator company but just figured I would try GA first as the researchers and researchers/commenters have been so extraordinarily helpful with my past queries and questions that it made sense to try this avenue first. My ants have taken over the kitchen and just wont go away no matter what I do. I applied the poison ant food from the supermarket which they are supposed to absolutely adore and take away to feed the queen who eats it, dies shortly after, so causing the remaining ants still alive( apparently many eat the stuff and die), to disperse completely out of the building. I see that my ants wont go near the stuff and seem to delight in walking right around this supposedly scrumptious delicacy laughing at me as they do. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated even if they are the old Grandma's secret remedy type idea |
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Re: How do I rid my apartment of ants???
Answered By: bethc-ga on 15 Jul 2002 09:14 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hi johnfrommelbourne, Those tiny black ants are commonly known by a variety of names: sugar ants, piss ants or sweet ants, and are referred to simply as nuisance ants by the pest control people. A good article about small ant control can be found at: U-Spray Inc. http://www.bugspray.com/article/ants.html This article contains a lot of useful information about their behavior and characteristics--handy things to know as you gird yourself to do battle. While this article appears on a North American (Georgia, specifically) pest control site, many of these less exotic nuisance ants are commonly found in New South Wales as well. Argentine, Fire, Pharaoh and Carpenter are some of the types that are specifically mentioned as appearing in both parts of the world. The most common species of ants found around the home in your neck of the woods appear to be Argentine, Coastal Brown, Pharaohs, Singapore, Whitefooted House & Carpenter. Source: Manly Warrington Pest Control http://www4.tpgi.com.au/users/neice/mwpc/pest_services.html From Coleoptera, an interesting entomological site, I found mention of an old South African trick to stop little black "sugar ants" from coming into the house: Find out where they are coming in and put a "barrier" of ordinary talcum powder across the entrance route, e.g. on windowsills, door-frames etc. It doesn't have to be very thick or wide, but don't leave gaps. Don't know why it works, but they won't cross the line. I taught this to my American step-daughter when her little girl was a baby and she didn't want to use poison around the house. She was a bit dubious when I told her on the telephone, but she soon phoned back to tell me it worked! The same source also mentioned putting a mixture of bayleaves and listerine mouthwash in the corners of your food pantry to keep the ants out of the flour and sugar. Source: Coleoptera: Home Remedies http://www.coleoptera.org/p1020.htm I also found a reference to the talcum powder or baby powder remedy on another site, the diy do it yourself network forum. The respondent mentioned using the baby powder treatment in her home, as well as circling the tires of her motorhome to prevent ants entering when camping. On that same thread, another person mentioned mixing equal parts of bread yeast, sugar and honey, and putting small amounts of this mixture about where you are seeing the ants. They are attracted by the sugar, and killed off by the yeast. Source: diynet http://www.diynet.com/DIY/post/1,2021,8_78575,FF.html Boric acid and honey was mentioned on the website of Lassen Technologies. Use equal proportions and place as for the yeast and honey mixture. They also mentioned using the peel of a cucumber to block the path that the ants usually take as they parade through your home. Scientists say that ants do not like cucumbers because they contain volatile terpenoids (also found in citrus skins), which make cucumbers bitter. This site also listed talcum powder as being among the things that ants do not like. I think we may be on to something with the talcum powder, as it seems to be a universal remedy, showing up repeatedly--usually an indication that it works! Source: Resources for the Chemically Injured, Chemically Sensitive or Environmentally Ill Lassen Technologies http://www.lassentech.com/eipest.html I live on Cape Cod, Massachusetts on water and surrounded by woods. Tourists arent the only ones who find this area irresistible. Bugs love it here too. I have been waging war on the tiny livestock ever since I moved here. One of the best investments I have made in pest control is to install one those little electronic pest repellers on each floor. They emit an ultrasonic tone that convinces bugs to set up housekeeping elsewhere. I was skeptical at first, but this is the first year that the ants did not invade in the spring, and the spiders have all but disappeared. Not exactly an old granny remedy, but it works. Here in the US, you can buy them for about US$20 at home centers, hardware stores, and even discount stores. I hope that you will find something here to help with your problem. If I can clarify any of this for you, please do not hesitate to ask. John of Melbourne, May Your Home Become Evermore a Pest-Free Zone! Regards, Beth Search criteria: +sugar ants +home remedy ants pest control home remedy site:.au | |
rated this answer:![]() Well Beth I asked for alternative innovative methods and thats what you gave me, and then several choices either directly, or through the links provided. As usual I have rated the answer with reference to the time and effort put in/quality of answer relative to the fee offered, and with those two items in mind I could not give you any less than five stars. Thanks very much. I will be trying one or more of these methods very soon. You suggested that if I want any clarification you could oblidge there also so I may just take you up on that offer John From Melbourne |
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Re: How do I rid my apartment of ants???
From: bobthedispatcher-ga on 15 Jul 2002 12:07 PDT |
From personal experience, I get an annual incursion of the little pests every spring: They hate ground cinnamon - get a big jar (real cheap at a restaurant supply place!) I've used it to make a circle around the house! Vinegar: They won't walk onto a counter or other area washed or sprayed with vinegar - though the effect dies off in a day or so. They tend to follow a trail left by other ants to find the food supply, so wiping off the trail (just look where the ants are walking) with vinegar really messes them up. By the way, vinegar is also great for cleaning windows! Never had luck with yeast & honey (or molasses) mixture but have used sugar (10x confectioners is best), boric acid, and cocoa powder mix, great stuffed in cracks - minimal effect on kids & pests - kills ants. |
Re: How do I rid my apartment of ants???
From: insideinfo-ga on 17 Jul 2002 00:08 PDT |
I have used boric acid very successfully in my house. But that is a house. You have another issue which is neighbors. If you control the amount of loose food and bags they can get in, your neighbors may not be doing the same. I say try limiting the amount of food they can get to. Use sealed containers for the obvious stuff, make sure there is no powder or food loose anywhere. I would try some boric acid at all windows, doors and areas you think they might be getting in. It is poison to them and becomes the closest easy food. If that does not work I would contact your landlord or management company as they may need to have all tenants clean and then spray all apartments at the same time. Cockroaches and other pests in urban areas are very persistent as your neighbors may not help in keeping them out and keeping them starving. |
Re: How do I rid my apartment of ants???
From: johnfrommelbourne-ga on 17 Jul 2002 05:16 PDT |
Just once more thanks again Answerer and the two commenters to date who were also most helpful. Much appreciated. I will certainly be trying the methods offered and get back to you via this page as to ho they worked. John From Melbourne |
Re: How do I rid my apartment of ants???
From: oohrubberducky-ga on 30 Dec 2003 13:49 PST |
I'd just like to thank the people who posted comments to John from Melbourne's question..I have been invaded by ants just like him..I tried the Talc powder..i've had amazing results! They are running off like crazy some dying..I hope this rids them! If not i'm off to try some of your other suggestions..thanks so much!! Angie |
Re: How do I rid my apartment of ants???
From: rambalu-ga on 21 Feb 2004 03:01 PST |
Yes! it works greatly.......Ants wont cross the line.....so I used talcum powder line to control ants into my kitchen... |
Re: How do I rid my apartment of ants???
From: deadwisdom-ga on 31 Mar 2004 21:35 PST |
I believe the reason why some of these home remedies work is because ants follow eachother by a chemical scent that they place on the ground. If you put a line of something the confuses the scent or eradicates it, you effectively kill the communication. I used a simple bar of soap once which worked well. One ant might cross, but when he leaves a trail of "this way to good sugar", other ants and even him will lose the trail when they follow it and it hits the line. (Imagine the old idea of when you're getting chased by dogs, to go into the river so they lose the scent; same idea except you are making the river!) Disclaimer: This is my own theory; I have no credibility on the subject save for past experience and thinking on't. |
Re: How do I rid my apartment of ants???
From: johnfrommelbourne-ga on 01 Apr 2004 07:44 PST |
But it sounds reasonable dead wisdom. JFM |
Re: How do I rid my apartment of ants???
From: leapinglambs-ga on 03 Apr 2004 12:58 PST |
Fantastic stuff this! We have those teeny wee ants dancing round our kitchen even now, and we've tried near everything to get them to go their own home. Thanks VERY much! |
Re: How do I rid my apartment of ants???
From: eria555-ga on 16 Jan 2005 16:07 PST |
Thanks everyone but my answer is very different. 1 packet of water mixed it with white king and powder soup leave it next to your door step thanks, Eria Buubutei Kiribati |
Re: How do I rid my apartment of ants???
From: johnfrommelbourne-ga on 16 Jan 2005 21:03 PST |
.and thanks for that too you there in Kirribati, another beautiful country no doubt!! JFM |
Re: How do I rid my apartment of ants???
From: danxp4-ga on 18 Jan 2005 15:23 PST |
Use ant traps |
Re: How do I rid my apartment of ants???
From: johnfrommelbourne-ga on 26 Jan 2005 09:51 PST |
Just saw someone use West Australian ANT SAND, like real sand but smells horible. Ants were gone the next day and have not returned after a week already. JFM |
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