<Prior to September 1, 2004, flat races were graded into groups and
classes. The races were classified from A to H inclusive, where A was
the highest and H the lowest. Class A was subdivided into three levels
of group races. Group 1 races were the highest and group 3 the lowest.
The rating of a horse determined which group or class it raced in. Its
rating was calculated by a team of six handicappers appointed by the
British Horse Racing Board. They assessed the performance of each
horse by watching races live and viewing the steward?s tapes of the
races. They gave each horse a rating on a scale of 0 to 140, the
latter being the highest.
The table below shows the grade of race and the rating needed to
compete in that grade.
A = Pattern (Group 1, 2, 3) & Listed
B = Ratings Band 0-100+
C = 0-85/100
D = 0-75/85
E = 0-65/75
F = 0-60/65
G = Selling, Apprentice & Amateur Races
H = 0-45
An explanation of the ratings system was given at the 25th Annual
Symposium on Racing. ?A horse will be allocated a rating once it's run
three times, or in certain circumstances, after two runs including a
And this rating will be reviewed every time the horse runs and often
in between their races because their previous rivals having run again
subsequently. Over 60 percent of races in Britain are racing-related,
that is to say that the qualification for those races is determined by
a published official rating. And the figures are therefore published
every week to let owners and trainers know for which horses their for
which race their horses are eligible. ?>
<Additional links:>
<Flat races explained ? BBC news.>
<Changes to Flat Racing?s Structure from 1st September 2004.
<Search strategy:>
<horse racing "a to h">
<flat races "a to h">
<"horse racing" "six handicappers">
<Hope this helps.> |
Request for Answer Clarification by
06 Sep 2004 08:08 PDT
That's a great answer Belinda - thanks. Please could you just clarify
how to interpret the ratings numbers given against each class letter,
in the table. For example, for category C, what is the significance of
0-85/100. Does this mean that the highest rated horse that could run
in a category C race was 100, but that some category C races might
have a lower limit, i.e. down to a minimum of 85?