Hi floatabletr-ga,
Your question intrigued me enough to spend several hours researching
it, with somewhat mixed results. While not being able to give you
exactly what you want, here's what I've been able to glean...
I'm almost positive that your "James Pace" was an Atlanta,
Georgia-based artist and an instructor at the Atlanta School of Art
during the 1960s. He was a North Carolina native (the fact that
"Summer Rain" was painted at Wanchese in 1963 seems to indicate that
this is the "right" Pace) and a graduate of the Chicago Art Institute.
That's as much as I've been able to glean about Pace himself, all of
it from a 36-year-old interview with Pace published in the Archdiocese
of Atlanta's "Georgia Bulletin" online at...
I was unable to find any further information about Pace, or whether
he's still living or working, although I found several references to a
"James Pace" who had exhibited in several shows in the Southwest
(primarily Oklahoma and Texas) as late as 1991.
As you may already know, Vincent Price collaborated with Sears and
Roebuck in the early 1960s to purchase fine art to be offered in their
catalogs and stores at various prices as "art for the everyman." This
became the very successful "Vincent Price Collection."
Although not very high-rez, see...
Over several years, Price selected over 15,000 pieces for the Vincent
Price Collection. "Summer Rain" is almost certainly one of those
pieces. Unfortunately, given that provenance and the fact that Pace
does not seem to be a collectible artist, it's doubtful that "Summer
Rain" would be worth much more than what someone who might take a
fancy to its subject matter or style would pay for it. It'd be an
interesting research exercise to go through the Sears Roebuck catalog
during that period (it appears that the program ended in the early
`70s, so it would also be a *massive* enterprise), and see if "Summer
Rain" was listed and what was its original price.
Search strategy
"James Pace" Wanchese
"James Pace" "North Carolina"
"Vincent Price Collection" "Sears Roebuck" |