guitarmann --
I am confident that I have your answer. However, with questions like
this, one can never be 100% sure, so if this is not the recording you
remember, tell me that in a "request for clarification," and I will
assist you further.
The one recording I have found that meets your description exactly
(acoustic guitar, alto sax) is by the Washington, DC artist Jaared on
his CD called "Hangtime."
Go to this linked site (Tower Records) and listen to an audio clip of the track:
Tower Records: Jaarer: Hang Time
The CD is widely available from online sources, including the Tower
Records site linked above.
Additional Information:
Here are links to a few sites with more information about the artist
and the recording:
Jaared (fan site)
Contemporary Jazz: Jaared (interview)
Contemporary Jazz: Jaared: Hangtime (review)
You can find much more information about this major new artist and
this recording by running these simple Google searches:
jaared hangtime
Search Strategy:
I searched with the All Music Guide for the (many) recordings of the
Van Morrison song, and then focused on any that might be good
prospects for you. Jaared's version was the only one meeting your
description exactly -- jazz genre, guitar and sax instrumentation,
acoustic. Thus, I settled on Jaared's version with a high degree of
confidence that this is the one you are seeking.
Here's a link to the All Music Guide's homepage. You need to register
(free) to take advantage of most of its useful features (including
audio clips):
All Music Guide
I am happy to have been able to find this information for you
promptly. As I said above, in the event (unlikely, I think) that this
is not the recording you are looking for, please ask for clarification
and I will keep on the case.
markj-ga |