I'm looking for market size metrics for 2 different segments:
1. ISVs (independent software vendors - companies that sell
pre-packaged software to other companies) up to 500 employees
2. IT consulting firms (anyone doing custom software development,
systems integration, web development, etc) with up to 500 employees
For each segment, I'm looking for a few pieces of information:
1. # of companies
2. revenues per company (or aggregate revenue for the segment)
3. # of developers per company (or # of employees if # of developers
is not available)
I've heard that there are 10,000-20,000 small ISVs (Microsoft has
probably released some #'s here). I'd like better data on this
segment. I'd like an answer of the form:
[there are X small/medium ISVs with average revenues of $Y each and Z
developers per firm. there are A small/medium IT consultancies with
average revenues of $B each and C developers per firm]
Please include links to all source materials. I'd prefer the data to
be for the US only, but global data is also fine. |