Thanks for asking!
I have located the most recently released estimations, both for the
size of the State of California's fleet of vehicles, and for fuel
Number of Vehicles in the State of California Fleet
According to the Governor's Performance Review, released August 3,
2004, the State of California isn't exactly sure how many vehicles are
contained in its fleet.
"California estimates it owns between 70,000 and 80,000 pieces of
mobile equipment, approximately 90 percent of which are passenger
vehicles.[2] OFA [Office of Fleet Administration] manages the fleet
through a semi-centralized state program. Only 11 percent of the fleet
is under the direct control of OFA, with responsibility for the
remaining 89 percent residing with other state agencies.[3] OFA is
responsible for adopting and promulgating rules and regulations, which
prescribe the proper use of all state-owned vehicles, the records to
be kept, and the reports to be made by state agencies relating to that
use. Each state agency, however, is responsible for compliance with
those rules and regulations and for the maintenance of the vehicles
under its control.[4]"
[2] "Interviews with Richard Battersby, Sacramento, California,
March 24, 2004; Jan Dietz, Administrative Manager, Office of Risk
and Insurance Management, Department of General Services, West
Sacramento, California (March 30, 2004); Richard Wright,
Information Technology Manager, Department of Motor Vehicles,
Sacramento, California (March 13, 2004); and e-mail from Richard
Battersby, to California Performance Review (May 18, 2004)."
[3] "California Gov. C. Section 19993.2(c)."
[4] "California Gov. C Section 19993.4."
California Performance Review Reports
Making Government More Efficient
"OFA is unable to determine the exact number and type of vehicles
owned by the state. Three state agencies with varied responsibilities
for fleet record keeping each estimate the size of the fleet
differently. The Office of Risk Management estimates about 72,000 the
Department of Motor Vehicles estimates about 78,000,[5] and OFA
estimates about 70,000.[6]
Because state agencies have not accurately reported their vehicle
inventories, OFA has had to categorize 17,978 of the 70,000 vehicles
in their inventory records as "unknown."[7] That is, they cannot
identify the agency responsible for 26 percent of the state fleet."
[5] "Interviews with Richard Battersby, Jan Dietz, and Richard
[6] "Interview with Richard Battersby. This figure was reached by
reviewing the Office of Risk and Insurance Management, Department
of General Services' self-reported billing records and the
Department of Motor Vehicles' exempt plate vehicle registration
[7] "E-mail from Richard Battersby, "03-04 Vehicle Inventory PIE
CHART.xls," to California Performance Review (March 24, 2004)."
California Performance Review Reports
Making Government More Efficient
The Performance Review recommends that the State Department of Motor
Vehicles take an inventory of all vehicles in the fleet by January,
2005. The recommendations further direct that the DMV should maintain
an ongoing inventory from that basis, providing quarterly reports to
the Department of General Services.
Annual Use of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel
According to the California State Vehicle Fleet Fuel Efficiency Report
(Volume I), as of July 2003, "California's vehicle fleet is one of the
largest public fleets in the world. State agencies, which include the
University of California campuses and state universities, operate
nearly 73,000 vehicles, using approximately 46 million gallons of
gasoline and nine million gallons of diesel fuel per year."
California State Vehicle Fleet Fuel Efficiency Report, Volume I
Summary of Findings and Recommendations (Adobe Acrobat .PDF document)
Current Consumption (2003)
Gasoline: 45.9 million gallons
Diesel: 8.9 million gallons
Estimated January 2005 Baseline Consumption
Gasoline: 45.0 to 49.0 million gallons
Diesel: 8.0 to 9.4 million gallons
California State Vehicle Fleet Fuel Efficiency Report, Volume II
Consultant's Report (Adobe Acrobat .PDF document)
I hope you find this information helpful. Should you have any
questions about the data or links provided, please, feel free to ask
for clarification. I will be glad to assist you further as needed.
Answer Strategy
Search of the State of California Department of General Services
website. Telephone calls to General Services, and Fleet Administration
offices. Search Terms:
2002..2004 california "state fleet vehicles" gasoline OR diesel cost
california size "state vehicle fleet" |