Need to know which companies / plans offers the best value for health
insurance in Boston, MA for a small business of 50 people, 5 of which
need coverage. |
Request for Question Clarification by
16 Sep 2004 16:01 PDT
Hello -
In order to track down this information, I need some additional
information. The more you can supply, the better:
1) When would you like insurance coverage to start?
2) When was your company started?
3) What type of business is it?
4) What are the ages of those needing coverage? Do they have spouses? Children?
5) What is your budget for health insurance per employee?
Request for Question Clarification by
17 Sep 2004 13:22 PDT
Unfortunately, as I just found out, Massachussetts state regulation
does not allow you to have group health insurance with only part of
the company (unless the remaining 45 people in the company have an
existing plan, or have a waiver). Individual plans would be the only
way to go.
Please let us know how we can further assist.
Clarification of Question by
20 Sep 2004 11:47 PDT
Thanks for your response.
We would like the insurance coverage to start October 1st.
The company was started in March of 1999.
The business is a restaurant / lounge that is part of a hotel in
Boston. 45 of our employees work part time and do not receive
insurance through our company (mostly earn tips). The remaining 4
people are full time employees who earn salary and need coverage.
39 (male, single, no kids)
40 (male, single, no kids)
32 (male, divorced, 2 kids who do not need coverage)
23 (female, single, no kids)
We do not have a budget for health insurance, we are just trying to
find out what package offers the best value in terms of price,
coverage, etc. Any information you could provide us with would be
greatly appreciated. I am posting this question for my boss, sorry for
the late response. Thanks!
Request for Question Clarification by
20 Sep 2004 12:14 PDT
Hello -
No problem on the late response. I don't know if you caught my
clarification immediately before your message: there is no
group/business coverage available due to your circumstances (the
remaining people in your organization do not need coverage, and hence,
disqualify the other 5). The only way to do this is if each gets
their own health insurance for "individuals" only. In this case, are
you looking for the best value in individualized health insurance?
Clarification of Question by
22 Sep 2004 12:44 PDT
Hi, I did get the first clarification. I spoke with the owner here,
who said that the insurance we currently have is group insurance for a
small business from Tufts Medical. So, we do currently have group
insurance, we're just looking for a better value.