I've gathered some interesting info for you. The notion that users
seldom delete cookies is being questioned by some respectable survey
firms (including Belden Associates and Nielsen Netratings).
"Belden's data suggest that 30 to 40 percent of Web surfers delete
their cookies as often as once a week. 'We're encountering a good deal
of disbelief on this' in the industry, [Greg] Harmon says, adding that
the subject of cookie-deleting needs more research."
Christian Science Monitor: Hits or misses
"Greg [Harmon] decided to add two questions to surveys he was running
for three newspapers -- one in Virginia, one in Illinois and one in
California. Figuring that adware-stopper downloads are now probably
in the hundreds of millions, He asked survey takers how often they
cleared their cookies.
Of 3,500 answers, about 40% said they cleared cookies at least once a
week. And, these weren't geeks. The median age was 40, and 2/3 were
MarketingSherpa: New Data: 40% of consumers zap cookies weekly
"Many publishers use cookies to track unique visitor information and
arrive at their internal traffic numbers. The longstanding belief is
that less than 3 percent of all Web users delete their cookies on a
regular basis, so this method should provide a relatively accurate
account. In discussions with Nielsen Netratings, new information
indicates upwards of 30 percent of users are deleting their cookies
(either manually or through installed software) on a regular basis."
Clickz: The State of Interactive Research
My Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: percent "delete their cookies"
I hope this is helpful. If anything is unclear or incomplete, I'll be
glad to offer further assistance.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |