crystal4290 --
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I "obsessed" for the better
part of the day about your question because I was certain that the
information you are looking for must be out there somewhere.
Well, just as I was about to take you up on your latest kind offer and
detail all the bits of information I rounded up about this European
country and that one, I found a single database that includes the
precise information you are looking for for every country in Europe.
The Web page is on the site of the World Health Organization. Before
I give you that link and tell you how to navigate in it to get
information on the number of doctors graduating from medical schools
in a given year in any country in Europe, here is that information for
the countries you are particularly interested in:
Germany -- 7013 (most recent year available is 2001)
Italy -- 6981 (most recent year available is 2002)
England and Northern Ireland -- 3668 (most recent year available is
1992. See below for more current information.)
France -- 3586 -- (most recent year available is 2002)
Now, here is the link, and I will walk you through how to use it for
other European countries:
World Health Organization: Regional Office For Europe: European Health
For All Database
There are many ways to play with this database, but the most useful
for your purposes would probably be the following:
1. In the "Indicator Group" box, scroll to "Health Services;"
2. In the "Indicator" box, scroll to "Physicians graduated in a given year;"
3. In the "Gender" box, leave it at the default "Total" setting;
4. In the "Start Year" box, I suggest that you scroll to an earlier
year (like 1970);
5. In the "End Year" box, I suggest that you scroll to "2003"
6. If you want to see the data only on a particular country, scroll
to it in the "Countries" box. If you want to see data for a group of
countries, just ignore this box:
7. In the "Country Group" box, pick a category if you want to see
data for a grouping of European countries instead of information on a
particular country;
8. Then click "Submit Query;"
9. From the menu of "Output Selection Screens," I suggest choosing
"Indicator Overview" (click on the icon). This will give you a table
of the physicians graduating in each of the countries in the group for
each year for which data is available between 1970 and 2003. Other
formats for the display of the information are available on this page.
I understand that this is complicated, and I would be happy to
generate data for you on other individual countries in Europe or
otherwise assist you in accessing information on this database. If
you would like me to do that for you, please just ask for
clarification of my answer. If you are comfortable playing with this
database yourself, I expect that you can generate all sorts of useful
information on your own.
Other Information:
I really don't want all of my earlier efforts to go to waste, so here
is a listing of the information I found for similar information for
non-European countries. I have also included below non-WHO
information for the UK which is more current that the WHO database.
(Otherwise, the WHO is the best source for consistent and current
European data.) I hope you will find this list interesting:
In alphabetical order:
Algeria: 800-1000
"Medical schools have been graduating a large number of physicians:
800 to 1,000 annually in the first half of the 1980s, and even more in
the second half of that decade. Several thousand women are enrolled in
medical school. It is estimated that between 1990 and 1995 some 25,000
new doctors will graduate, the majority of whom will probably be
unable to find work in the public health sector." (1993)
Algeria -- Health and Welfare
Bahrain: 38
"These prospective physicians, considering zero rate of attrition
among them, are expected to join the workforce once they complete
their training. They represent an average of 38 physicians every year
during the period 1998-2005." (2000)
Demand and supply of doctors and dentists in Bahrain, 1998-2005
Brazil: 9000
"There is a trend led by the major schools of medicine to reduce the
number of new physicians, due to saturation of the market (9,000 new
doctors every year). " (2004)
Serono Symposia International
Burma: 1000
"Four medical institutions, one of which is attached to the defence
ministry, turn out about 1,000 new doctors every year after a
seven-year training programme that includes one year at a hospital."
Doctors In Burma
Canada: 1600
"While there is a need for at least 2,000 graduates a year, the
country?s medical schools are producing fewer than 1,600 new doctors,
only about 1,388 of whom will stay in Canada." (June 1999)
Fraser Forum: The Doctor Shortage
Cuba: 3000-4000
"There were times when 6000 students enrolled at the medical school in
a single year. Today, 3000 to 4000 new doctors graduate every year."
Speech By Fidel Castro
Ghana: 125
"Dr. Davis lamented that whilst Ghana produces about 125 doctors a
year the patient doctor ratio in Ghana is one of the worst in the
world." (year unknown)
Ghanaweb: News Archive
India: 20,000 (some variation among sources -- this is in the most cited range)
"Today India produces around 20,000 doctors every year and these is a
clear trend of doctors moving to the semi-urban areas." (2004)
Indonesia: 3000
"Only half of the total of 3,000 new doctors who graduate each year
have sufficient skill to administer general anaesthesia." (1998)
World Anesthaesia: Indonesia
Israel: 350
"About 350 new doctors set up practices each year in Israel." (2004)
Canadian Jewish News
Lebanon: 250
"Some 250 new doctors graduate from medical schools in Lebanon each
year, but net inward migration currently brings the total new doctor
registrations to 500-600 a year. " (1999)
World Bank: Lebanon
New Zealand: 292 (2001)
Medical Council of New Zealand: Annual Report (Page 4)
South Africa: 1000
"South Africa has eight medical schools and produces around 1000
graduates each year." (1997)
Production of Doctors in South Africa
Thailand: 1000
"In this was, the 12 public and 1 private medical schools of Thailand
produce annually about 1000 new doctors." (1997?)
Family Medicine in Developing Countries (Google-cached copy)
UK: 4500-5000
"Each year we register about 10,500 new doctors in the United Kingdom.
About 4,500 to 5,000 of them are UK trained, that is less than 50 per
cent, the rest come from other parts of the world, including a very
large number, about 4,000 to 4,500, who come mainly from the Indian
sub-continent and other areas" (2000)
Parliament: Examination of Witnesses
Zambia: 50
"The University of Zambia, the only one in the southern African
country with a medical school, produces just 50 doctors each year."
Southern Africa Migration Project
Search Strategy:
I used dozens of Google searches with various combinations of such
search terms as "new doctors," "annually," "per year," "graduated,"
"produced," various country names, and many others. This led to
information about yearly medical school graduates or first-year
students in many countries, but not in Germany or Italy.
It finally occurred to me to look for databases that might not turn up
in Google searches. The two options that occurred to me were the
World Health Organization and the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development. I struck gold with the website of the
European Regional Office of the WHO and found the link to its search
tool for country-by-country health services information, including
yearly totals of medical school graduates.
Based on your clarifications, I am confident that this is exactly the
information you are seeking. As I said above, if you need further
help extracting information from the WHO database on specific
countries, please ask for clarification, and I will assist you
markj-ga |