When you go to a museum or large display you can sometimes see where
they have put up 30 or so TV screens in a rectangle. (Say, five across
and six high).
They then take a signal and make each TV have 1/30th of the picture.
So, when all is said and done you get a giant picture created out of
30 tv's.
1. What is the hardware used to do this called?
2. Where to obtain, Ebay? |
Request for Question Clarification by
09 Sep 2004 12:40 PDT
I have three questions:
1. Is this the kind of thing you have in mind?
2. When you say "TV screens," do you mean that you need to do this
with regular, garden-variety televisions, rather than video monitors?
3. Approximately what is your budget?
Request for Question Clarification by
09 Sep 2004 12:48 PDT
You may find the comments to this earlier question to be of interest:
Clarification of Question by
09 Sep 2004 12:56 PDT
1. Yes, that is what I have in mind.
2. Either video monitors or TV's.
3. Answer kind of goes with answer 2. Basically, I saw these 20 years
ago at a museum. I figured that by now the electronics to run it would
be the size of a computer and be fairly cheap.
If I am incorrect then so be it. Basically, I wanted what the heck you
call the device that runs the whole thing. Might get lucky and find
one on ebay for cheap. I just want to know what to search for on ebay.
Heck, if my Mom can get a bottle of perfume on Ebay that has not been
made since she was a kid then I ought to be able to find these stupid
Request for Question Clarification by
09 Sep 2004 12:59 PDT
It is amazing what you can find on eBay. How about this?
Clarification of Question by
09 Sep 2004 13:05 PDT
Let's call it good.
Wow, record time.
Worth every penny of $8
Thanks, answer it and close it.