Fascinating question...thanks for posting it.
The town you're looking for is almost certainly spelled Vijverhoek,
though it will take a better researcher than me to provide you with a
correct pronunciation.
There is a beautiful and detailed WWI-era map of the entire Ypres area here:
Be sure to view it in the largest format available to you.
Ypres is at the top of the map, above the square numbered 14.
The small town of Vauxhall is in square #36, just on the border with
square #31 about midway between the north and south corners.
Etang Dickebusch, aka Dickebusch Lake, takes up most of Square #34. A
bit to the north of the Lake, and slightly east, you'll see the
enclave of Vijerhoek in Square #29.
Dollars to donuts that's what you're looking for!
But before rating this answer, please let me know if you have any
questions about any of this. Just post a request for clarification,
and I'll be happy to assist you further.
search strategy: Searched Google Images for: [ ypres map wwi ] |
Request for Answer Clarification by
11 Sep 2004 17:18 PDT
Great response! I will rate you accordingly and keep you in mind for
further questions. For an additional tip, can you refer me to a
similar map that shows the "Swiss Cottage" railyard near Proven?
Clarification of Answer by
11 Sep 2004 17:32 PDT
Thanks for the kind words, and nice stars...always appreciated!
As for the Swiss Cottage, I wouldn't mind doing some more looking, but
I'm afraid I need a few more hints. Unlike Ypres and Vijverhoek, the
names "Swiss Cottage" and "Proven" involve such common words, that
millions of results pop-up, most of them worthless.
If you can give me a bit more context, I'll see what I can find.
Request for Answer Clarification by
11 Sep 2004 18:06 PDT
I believe Swiss Village was a name given to a railyard at the end of
the Bergues-to-Proven railway. I think it might have been near
Poperinge, Belgium.
Clarification of Answer by
11 Sep 2004 19:29 PDT
Nope...sorry. I'm striking out on this one. The Ypres map was really
a lucky find...it's rare to get something that old, and that detailed,
and rarer still to have it be indexed well enough to find it!
I've found a street map of modern-day Proven here:
but no railroads, or nothing that will help much in your search, I
suspect. but feel free to click around and see if anything rings a
bell -- if you zoom out a few clicks, you'll see how close Proven is
to Dunkirk!
Thanks again for posting such an interesting question to work on.