I read a commentary on the Guardian newspaper's website
(www.guardian.co.uk) a few weeks ago saying something about how the
Republicans are using not-particularly-relevant issues like thier
anti-abortion stance to get people to vote for them, when their
economic policy will actually have a greater impact on the voter. I
thought this would work well with the WKKK's policy of recruiting
women using a professed itinerary of improving public education into
an organization whose manifest itinerary is to be racist. The
Guardian's search engine is crap, though, and now I can't find the
article. Please locate it for me. |
Request for Question Clarification by
13 Sep 2004 13:37 PDT
Hi statestraveller,
Since I am not completely certain one of these articles is the one you
remember reading, I will post as a clarification. If it is the one, or
otherwise suit your needs, let me know and I will post this as an
Guardian Unlimited: Bush should call off his dogs'
Guardian Unlimited: It's still the economy, stupid
Guardian Unlimited: Bush vows to protect America
Best regards,
Clarification of Question by
13 Sep 2004 14:59 PDT
None of these articles seems to be the right one. I'm pretty sure it
was a commentary, rather than an actual article, and (paraphrasing)
said that since Americans are mostly single-issue voters, a
mid-westerner will vote in a Republican president based on his stance
on abortion, and not on his economic policy, which will actually end
up hurting the farmer in the long run. This is why Bush is still
getting votes when his policies are hurting small businesses (the
Guardian is a left-wing paper:-))
Does this help?
Request for Question Clarification by
14 Sep 2004 07:40 PDT
Hi statestraveller,
Is this it?
Clarification of Question by
14 Sep 2004 09:36 PDT
That's it. Please post your answer, and thanks for the research.