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There's a World Shortage of GOOD, NEW JOKES: Why?
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: probonopublico-ga List Price: $10.00 |
13 Sep 2004 23:51 PDT
Expires: 13 Oct 2004 23:51 PDT Question ID: 400907 |
Have all the good jokes already been told? Are we now entering The Jokeless Age? Prove me wrong! | |
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Re: There's a World Shortage of GOOD, NEW JOKES: Why?
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 14 Sep 2004 23:32 PDT Rated: ![]() |
> Now, let's have a race to see which Researcher is going to hit the > Answer Button First ... There are 5 Contenders .... Will it be: > Digs? (Probably still eating) > Scripty? (Probably watching Pippin again) > Subby? (Probably untangling his beard) > Omni? (Probably flying high) > Pinky? (Probably feeding a cat) Right you are, sir. But it was a very small cat, and he could not eat very much, so here I am. Speaking of matters felinical, I must introduce the newest member of our household. This is an adolescent kitty with a vision problem, microphthalmia (translated from the Medicalese, this means "little bitty eyes.") We have named this strange, sweet, shy creature Ivan the Purrible. They were going to put him down if someone didn't take him, and I like to think that I am someone, so one thing led to another. Here is a photo of Ivan at the pet adoption center: http://www.mortalwombat.com/Special/Pets/Ivan_the_Purrible.jpg In view of the discussion about the lack of good jokes, the least I can do is offer a cat joke, in honor of young Ivan. ========== While strolling past a pet shop, a cat notices a sign in the window: HELP WANTED. Knowing himself to be no ordinary feline, he saunters into the shop and calls out "Hello! I'd like to apply for the job." The owner of the pet shop is very amused at the idea of a talking cat, and she wants to hear more, so she plays along, saying "Oh, I'm sorry, but this is a clerical job. We need someone who can type and file." The cat hastens over to the office typewriter and, quick as a wink, he pounds out something about a quick brown fox and a lazy dog until he has filled a page. He grabs a stack of papers, alphabetizes them by subject matter, and puts them away in the file cabinet in less time than one would expect of a critter who lacks opposable thumbs. The owner is charmed, but of course she can't hire a cat, so she thinks of another excuse. "You type very nicely, and your filing is flawless, but this job demands computer literacy." The cat immediately takes his place in front of the computer and, mouse in paw, cruises the Web, gathering useful information about pet shops (stopping briefly at Google Answers to see whether there are any good jokes). The owner is stunned. She has got to think of a tactful way to tell this cat that she isn't going to give him a job. "Well, you're an amazing cat indeed. You type, you file, and you're a computer whiz. But we really, really must have someone who is bilingual." The cat stares imploringly into the owner's eyes and says "WOOF!" ========== Best always, Pink |
rated this answer:![]() Hi, Pink Great answer; great joke and great piccy ... Very many thanks. And who is that gorgeous redhead holding Ivan the Purrible? Whoever she is, I hope that both she and Ivan have a great sense of humour. Of course, it could be your sister. Please send my regards to your sister. All the Very Best Bryan (It looks as though Digs is still eating.) |
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Re: There's a World Shortage of GOOD, NEW JOKES: Why?
From: nelson-ga on 14 Sep 2004 03:45 PDT |
Why did the Bush cross the road? To get out of going to Vietnam. Ooh, wait. That's no joke. |
Re: There's a World Shortage of GOOD, NEW JOKES: Why?
From: probonopublico-ga on 14 Sep 2004 06:10 PDT |
Hi, Nelson & Thanks ... You have proved me right! Well done! |
Re: There's a World Shortage of GOOD, NEW JOKES: Why?
From: mordecai1101-ga on 14 Sep 2004 06:53 PDT |
How can we prove you wrong if you can't prove you're right? It seems quite unrealistic that you can rule out all of the good jokes and consider them "old". Maybe tommorow or in a week you'd hear a good joke, but how would you tell if it's new or old? Or even if it's funny? It may or may not be funny to you, but it may be funny to one of the other 6 billion people. |
Re: There's a World Shortage of GOOD, NEW JOKES: Why?
From: digsalot-ga on 14 Sep 2004 07:31 PDT |
I blame it on the 'free trade' agreements. Jokes are no longer manufactured in one location or even country. Joke componets are now being farmed out to a wide variety of countries where cultural barriers are creating... ...main story line from Lithuania...punch-lines still in shipping containers off the coast of the UK...pratt falls from Mexico and Hong Kong just had a recall of thousands of one-liners. Detroit joke lines shut down due to strike demands... Non-union jokes under seige in Las Vegas... Dogmatic absolutist jokes attack Mideast nation... Ban on assult jokes allowed to expire by Congress... Joke number 1 got boost from joker convention... Joke number 2 falling in polls... Joke number three running as a spoiler... Questionable touch-screen joke rating machines are... ... ... ... It hain't funny no more. Sober as a judge Digs |
Re: There's a World Shortage of GOOD, NEW JOKES: Why?
From: steph53-ga on 14 Sep 2004 08:34 PDT |
Well... let me be the first to add a real "corny" joke :) "I pulled into a crowded parking lot and rolled down the car windows to make sure my Labrador Retriever had fresh air. She was stretched out on the back seat, and I wanted to impress upon her that she must remain there. I walked to the curb backward, pointing my finger at the car and saying emphatically, "Now you stay. Do you hear me? Stay! Stay!" The driver of a nearby car, perhaps noting that I am a blonde, gave me a strange look and said. "Why don't you just put it in park?" Steph53 |
Re: There's a World Shortage of GOOD, NEW JOKES: Why?
From: probonopublico-ga on 14 Sep 2004 08:45 PDT |
Great one, Steph! What was your answer to that? |
Re: There's a World Shortage of GOOD, NEW JOKES: Why?
From: scriptor-ga on 14 Sep 2004 09:39 PDT |
George W. Bush, Jacques Chirac and Gerhard Schröder share an airplane for their visit at H.M. the Queen. Due to bad weather conditions, the plane lands in Heathrow with 15 minutes delay. So after the three statesmen left the plane and greet the Queen, they apologize one after the other: Jacques Chirac: "I am very sorry, I'm late." Gerhard Schröder: "Me too." George W. Bush: "Me three." |
Re: There's a World Shortage of GOOD, NEW JOKES: Why?
From: sublime1-ga on 14 Sep 2004 10:24 PDT |
Though there does appear to be a dearth of mirth affecting the planet, and this is serious when you consider that levity is the opposite of gravity, resulting in many people weighing more than they used to, I was able to locate this story, which, if it weren't true, might take a few ounces off the scale: While attending a marriage seminar on communication, Colin and his wife listened to the instructor declare, "It is essential that husbands and wives know the things that are important to each other." He then addressed the men, "Can you describe your wife's favourite flower?" Colin leaned over, touched his wife's arm gently and whispered, "Self-raising, isn't it?" Colin is due to be released from hospital in a few weeks. http://www.mytown.co.nz/story/mytstorydisplay.cfm?thecity=hawkesbay&thepage=news&storyID=3589973&type=nzh |
Re: There's a World Shortage of GOOD, NEW JOKES: Why?
From: omnivorous-ga on 14 Sep 2004 10:52 PDT |
Bryan -- Lacking a proof for whether there's any new humor or not, I thought that I'd pass along a source or two. A guy by the name of Randy Cassingham runs an Internet newsletter titled "Thisistrue". Well, actually he runs a couple of newsletters but that one has the largest circulation. It's a compilation of funny news stories about dumb things people do. A few months ago he decided to put up another site that adds a joke every day from his EXISTING collection, which is huge. They're pretty good: http://www.jumbojoke.com/ Being in the U.K. you probably miss American late night talk shows. It's raucous American humor, not dry British humor: David Letterman (known for his Top 10 lists): http://www.cbs.com/latenight/lateshow/# Jay Leno (known for the monologues): http://www.nbc.com/The_Tonight_Show_with_Jay_Leno/index.shtml Jon Stewart (more politically-oriented): http://www.comedycentral.com/tv_shows/thedailyshowwithjonstewart/ And finally, my favorite cartoon site, with cartoons and covers from The New Yorker magazine: http://www.cartoonbank.com/ The Good Humor man, Omnivorous-GA |
Re: There's a World Shortage of GOOD, NEW JOKES: Why?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 14 Sep 2004 11:10 PDT |
My poor sister, who was born without the ability to tell a joke properly without messing up the punch line, has been hoarding jokes. She collects them in a 5-gallon jar in her kitchen. Since she only saves rather small one-liners, she has amassed millions and millions of jokes, which explains the worldwide shortage. Every now and then one of the pitiful caged things flies out, only to be snatched up by David Letterman, Drew Carey, or the Bush twins. It is all very sad, except during the moment of the escape, when it becomes briefly very funny. When the jar is full, my sister hopes to buy a sense of humor. I will gratefully accept contributions in her behalf. |
Re: There's a World Shortage of GOOD, NEW JOKES: Why?
From: bowler-ga on 14 Sep 2004 11:24 PDT |
Knock Knock Who's There? GA GA Who G Ain't Probono asked too many "Unanswerable Questions"! |
Re: There's a World Shortage of GOOD, NEW JOKES: Why?
From: steph53-ga on 14 Sep 2004 11:40 PDT |
Bowler............... That is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!! Harharhar :) :) :) Bryan.... That wasn't really me in the "blonde joke"...heheheh...why do you think it was eh? Steph53 |
Re: There's a World Shortage of GOOD, NEW JOKES: Why?
From: probonopublico-ga on 14 Sep 2004 12:38 PDT |
Daisy and I are very pleased to announce a major new research project, commissioned from a world famous archeologist: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=401121 |
From: daytrader_7__6-ga on 14 Sep 2004 14:44 PDT |
http://www.blinne.org/blog/2003/09/dave_barry_on_h.html |
Re: There's a World Shortage of GOOD, NEW JOKES: Why?
From: guzzi-ga on 14 Sep 2004 16:11 PDT |
Q. Why did Dubya wear a bandana? A. He?d just had a circumcision. |
Re: There's a World Shortage of GOOD, NEW JOKES: Why?
From: ipfan-ga on 14 Sep 2004 16:44 PDT |
In his 1956 short story "Jokester," Isaac Asimov, through a character named Noel Meyerhof, asks Multivac (if you read Asmimov, you know who Multivac is) the exact same question. It is hypothesized that jokes and humor are of extraterrestrial origin and that jokes aren't funny anymore because the aliens, who introduced humor as part of a means to study humans, had concluded their experimentation. There you go: the aliens are done with us. |
Re: There's a World Shortage of GOOD, NEW JOKES: Why?
From: probonopublico-ga on 14 Sep 2004 22:10 PDT |
Some GREAT Comments, Very Many Thanks. Now, let's have a race to see which Researcher is going to hit the Answer Button First ... There are 5 Contenders .... Will it be: Digs? (Probably still eating) Scripty? (Probably watching Pippin again) Subby? (Probably untangling his beard) Omni? (Probably flying high) Pinky? (Probably feeding a cat) On your marks .... The Race starts NOW! |
Re: There's a World Shortage of GOOD, NEW JOKES: Why?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 15 Sep 2004 10:15 PDT |
Bryan, Thanks muchly for the generous tip and the five stars for my crown! The woman holding the kitty is a volunteer in the pet rescue organization, and is not my sister. Sis is a tall gal who looks like a brunette version of Helen Hunt. Wish I'd gotten some tall brunette genes, but when I was in the oven they apparently weren't ready yet. ~Pink |
Re: There's a World Shortage of GOOD, NEW JOKES: Why?
From: timespacette-ga on 31 Oct 2004 12:53 PST |
coming up the rear here two days before the election: Q. What is the difference between the Viet Nam war and the war in Iraq? A. George Bush had a plan to get out of the Viet Nam war . . .. har... har...har... |
Re: There's a World Shortage of GOOD, NEW JOKES: Why?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 31 Oct 2004 13:06 PST |
John Kerry participated in a debate with Ralph Nader last week. Both sides of all the issues were thoroughly discussed, defended, and rebutted. Then Nader spoke. |
Re: There's a World Shortage of GOOD, NEW JOKES: Why?
From: timespacette-ga on 31 Oct 2004 13:56 PST |
Ha! Good one, Pink! tooshay, as they say . . . and the puzzling mystery of your unwavering dislike of JFK continues . . . by the way, the Packers just beat the Redskins 28-14 <http://www.snopes.com/sports/football/election.asp> |
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