Dear Fesenmania,
I found three articles discussing it, I am sure there are more:
Nishida M, Wantanabe K, Sato N, et al. Malignant transformation of
ovarian endometriosis. Gynecol Obstet Inv 2000; 50:18-25
Stern RC, Dash R, Bentley RC, et al. Malignancy in endometriosis:
frequency and comparison of ovarian and extra-ovarian types. Int J
Gynecol Path 2001;20:133-139
Takahashi K, Kurioka H, Irikoma M, et al. Benign or malignant ovarian
neoplasm and ovarian endometriomas. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc
As for your question, how to find information regarding this ans other
medical issues online, or to fin medical references online, here is my
search method.
If you search for the terms of your question in Google, you have much
to start with:
The site MedScape requires registration, but has lots of medical
material, and in fact, I found these references there, as sources in
an article:
<> Medscape
Another good site is HealthFinder
I hope this answered your question. Please contact me if you need any
further clarifications on this answer before you rate it. |