cjones35 --
Your straightforward question deserves a straightforward answer. The
total you are seeking is 3264, as of February 19, 2004.
Here is the breakdown:
Connecticut 248
Delaware 42
Maryland 239
Massachusetts 476
New Hampshire 81
New Jersey 354
North Carolina 421
Pennsylvania 732
Rhode Island 95
Vermont 41
West Virginia 133
Wisconsin 402
This information comes from an authoritative source, the Centers for
Medicaid and Medicare Services of the Department of Health and Human
Services. Here is the simple procedure that led me to the information
above and will allow you to easily get the same information for any
other state:
Go to the Medicare home page, linked here:
Click on the "Nursing Home Compare" link on the right side of the
page. This will take you to a search page that allows you to call up
detailed information about nursing homes by state, county, city, zip
code or name.
To get information by state, choose the "State" link in the "By
Geography" column on the search page.
On the next page, simply scroll to any state in the "State Search"
window, then click on the "Next Step" link and the total number of
nursing homes in that state will appear.
You can then repeat the search for different states by clicking the
"Back" button on your browser or the "Backspace" key on your keyboard
and repeating the process.
Search Strategy:
I used the following Google search to find the search page on the Medicare website:
"nursing homes" "by state"
I then performed individual searches as described above for the
individual states named in your question.
I am confident that this information is exactly what you are seeking.
If anything is unclear, please ask for clarification before rating the
markj-ga |