if I know two ellipse, how could I get the common tangent between them?
by algebra, I got this equations
a1*x1*x1+b1*x1*y1+c1*y1*y1+d1*x1+e1*y1+f1=0 (x1,y1) is on ellipse 1
a2*x2*x2+b2*x2*y2+c2*y2*y2+d2*x2+e2*y2+f2=0 (x2,y2) is on ellipse 2
(2*a1*x1+b1*y1+d1)/(b1*x1+2c1y1+e1) = (y2-y1)/x2-x1) the slope of
tangent at point(x1,y1) equals the slop of the common tangent
(2*a2*x2+b2*y2+d2)/(b2*x2+2c2y2+e2) = (y2-y1)/x2-x1) the slope of
tangent at point(x2,y2) equals the slop of the common tangent
based on those four euqations, we should be able to get the solutions
but does anybody know how to get it and maybe in a computer program
how to formalize it to code? or get the approximate solutions by
I know it's kind of difficult to solve this problem, I would like to
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