Dear zmas,
The currency vehicle with the highest denomination ever assigned to
legal tender was an Hungarian banknote in 1946. During a period of
hyperinflation, banknotes were printed with the enormous face value of
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Pengö - that is one milliard billions
(if you count the British way), respectively one billion trillions
(for the Americans). These "Egymilliàrd B.-Pengö" notes were indeed
intended for circulation, but they were not issued anymore since the
inflation was ended on 31 July 1946 by replacing the worthless Pengö
with the new Forint currency.
While this "Egymilliàrd B.-Pengö" remained unissued, the Hungarian
hyperinflation of 1946 also produced the banknote with the highest
face value ever really issued: The 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 Pengö
note, "Szàzmilliò B.-Pengö". It was worth about 20 US-Cents then.
You can see both notes by following these links:
Tom Chao's Paper Money Gallery: 1 Milliard B-Pengo, 1946
Tom Chao's Paper Money Gallery: 100 Million B-Pengo, 1946
Tom Chao's Paper Money Gallery: Trivia
Studium Magazine: Lessons Yet Unlearned - Collecting Inflationary Currency
WordIQ: Hyperinflation
Numismatica: What is the highest denomination note ever created or issued?
Search terms used:
hungary hyperinflation pengö forint 1946
pengö highest
"largest denomination" inflation
hyperinflation pengo highest
highest pengo 1946
hungary inflation 1946
Hope this answers your question!
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