The current administration has opted out of the Kyoto treaty which
involved a multilateral effort for nations of the world to work
together to preserve the environment. Generally, there has been an
effort to deny that the world faces a serious environmental problem
and the emphasis has been on the need to carefully study this problem
to determine if global warming is caused by human action or is
non-existent/a natural cycle we must accept.
I am looking for a "shocker" statement by the administration that
minimizes or denies that there is an environmental problem/denies that
there is global warming. The statement should be by a responsible
member of the current administration, e.g., the President or his
office (press secretary), vice-President, head of EPA,or someone else
who clearly is speaking for the current administration. The statement
should be part of a serious talk, speech, article, Congressional
testimony, etc. rather than an off-hand answer to a reporter's
question. The source should be Congressional testimony, official
press release, article in a respected publication (NYTimes, Washington
Post, Wall Street Journal, etc. Please give details re source.)The
statement should be one made since
the inauguration of the current administration. |