Carl Wilhelm Oseen nominated Albert Einstein for the 1921 Nobel Peace
Prize in Physics.
"In Uppsala, however, another professor, Carl Wilhelm Oseen, a
specialist on mathematical physics, understood Einstein's theories and
had also understood the power balance in the Nobel Committee for
Physics. As a newly elected member of the Academy, in 1921 he was the
first to propose giving to Einstein a Nobel Prize for his work on the
photoelectric effect. This single nomination made the wheels begin to
turn in Einstein's favor."
Project Syndicate: The Nobel Prize and Einstein's Ghost
"Bringing his superior command of physics and sharp analytic talents
to the task, [Carl Wilhelm] Oseen found an ingenious way to reward
both of them. He himself successfully nominated Einstein for the
discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect."
Physics Web: Quantum theory and the Nobel prize
"According to the archives, a young academy member, CW Oseen, resolved
the impasse in 1921 by nominating Einstein for the physics prize."
Science Magazine: At 100, Alfred Nobel's Legacy Retains Its Luster
(NOTE: You must be a site subscriber to read the Science Magazine
article linked above.)
Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: 1921 "nominated einstein"
Google Web Search: 1921 nobel einstein oseen
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pinkfreud |