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Q: Infinite Cats - For Pinkfreud ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   13 Comments )
Subject: Infinite Cats - For Pinkfreud
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: michael2-ga
List Price: $2.00
Posted: 21 Sep 2004 07:53 PDT
Expires: 21 Oct 2004 07:53 PDT
Question ID: 404190

What do you think of this site?
Subject: Re: Infinite Cats - For Pinkfreud
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 21 Sep 2004 10:03 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
I am tickled pink by The Infinite Cat Project! It charms two areas of
my brain, the Cat Appreciation Center and the Mathematical Oddities

I have not yet submitted an entry to the project; my digital camera is
ailing at the moment, so I will have to swipe hubby's camera in order
to join the chain of participants.

In 1999 I took this photo of my cat Glenda sitting in front of a
monitor which was displaying a photo of Glenda sitting in front of the
same monitor. The cat-shaped mouse pad (which I still use) added to
the felinical replication.

Thanks so much for directing me to The Infinite Cat Project, Michael.
This is a site that I'll visit often.

michael2-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars
Glad you liked it.

Subject: Re: Infinite Cats - For Pinkfreud
From: leapinglizard-ga on 21 Sep 2004 08:08 PDT
Hot damn, I love it! I'm not buying your bumper stickers, though.

Subject: Re: Infinite Cats - For Pinkfreud
From: michael2-ga on 21 Sep 2004 09:15 PDT
It's not my site, I hasten to add, I just thought Pink might like it.
Subject: Re: Infinite Cats - For Pinkfreud
From: hummer-ga on 21 Sep 2004 11:10 PDT
Speaking of cats... Pink, could you please send me a quick email (as
in short, but there's no rush)? Thanks, hummer
Subject: Re: Infinite Cats - For Pinkfreud
From: probonopublico-ga on 21 Sep 2004 11:31 PDT
Hummer, really!

Don't you know that you are not allowed to communicate with others
through this facility?

Wow! ... If it were ever to be allowed ... Then Watch Out!
Subject: Re: Infinite Cats - For Pinkfreud
From: hummer-ga on 22 Sep 2004 06:40 PDT
Dear Bryan,

As usual, you are correct. I trust that you will be able to forgive my
transgression after hearing my tale of woe. Given that I was unaware
of where Mozilla stores all of the important stuff (emails, passwords,
bookmarks...), I lost it all after reformatting (that includes all of
my bookmarks that I used for GA research).  Also given that I am of a
certain age, I rely on my computer to remember such things as email
addresses, and therein layed my problem. After waiting several weeks
for something more creative to come to me, I finally came to the
realization that the only way around my dilemma was to break a GA
cardinal rule. I did not take this step lightly, and had my brain been
able to come up with an alternative, I surely would've taken another
route. At any rate, I'm happy to be back in touch with my GA
colleagues rather than working in isolation. Our ability to
communicate with each other, I believe, is one of the major factors in
the quality of the work you find here.

Thanks for being there (you are everywhere!) and keeping us on our toes.
p.s. For the record, I *did* tell Pink about our cat, Rosie, when I
wrote to her  8-)
Subject: Re: Infinite Cats - For Pinkfreud
From: probonopublico-ga on 22 Sep 2004 07:36 PDT
Dear Hummer

I can't resist a sob story and having heard your confession I am
prepared to grant you absolution in recognition of your previous
excellent record.

However, as a penance you must now answer 20 (TWENTY) $2.00 questions
submitted by some worried parent who is purportedly attempting to help
an offspring with his/her homework.

Yes, yes, I know that this penance is going to make you dizzy with
Requests for Clarification and, however hard you try, your Star Rating
will plummet through the floor and your Requests for Refunds will zoom
out of control ...

But that's what penances are for.

Believe me, it's for your own good.
Subject: Re: Infinite Cats - For Pinkfreud
From: hummer-ga on 22 Sep 2004 08:03 PDT
...but but but, Bryan, Pink already slapped me on my wrists, isn't
that enough?  And anyway, if I answer homework questions, I'll be
breaking my own cardinal rule, thus starting a loop of having to pay
penance forever and forever...

I (a certified dog-person), took in a starving cat (Rosie) who is now
well-fed and healthy. Surely, living with a cat for a person like me
counts for something?

Subject: Re: Infinite Cats - For Pinkfreud
From: probonopublico-ga on 22 Sep 2004 09:18 PDT
Alright, Hummer ...

Your grovelling apology is accepted.

But let this be a warning to you.

Your work will now be closely monitored.
Subject: Re: Infinite Cats - For Pinkfreud
From: michael2-ga on 22 Sep 2004 10:18 PDT
Yes, yes, these private chats are all very well but I don't think we
can count them as bona fide comments on the question.
Subject: Re: Infinite Cats - For Pinkfreud
From: hummer-ga on 22 Sep 2004 10:40 PDT
Hi michael2,

I'm sorry, I really did try to avoid imposing my problem on everyone.
However, little chats such as this one do no harm - if we all had to
stick to the questions/answers 100% of the time, GA would be alot less
interesting and we would lack the sense of community that has
developed quite on its own.

Bryan - grovelling is a wonderful thing, isn't it?  Thanks - I hope
you'll be comfy on my shoulder. hummer
Subject: Re: Infinite Cats - For Pinkfreud
From: michael2-ga on 22 Sep 2004 11:25 PDT
hummer - no need to apologise to me as well.  Onbe grovel at a time,
that's my motto.
Subject: Re: Infinite Cats - For Pinkfreud
From: probonopublico-ga on 22 Sep 2004 12:52 PDT
Hi, Michael2 ... Could you possibly be the Son of St Michael?

Yes this is indeed a GREAT place for exchanging GREAT information and
also having a bit of fun in the process.

Welcome to the Club!

All the Best


PS Hummer, all your sins and daughters are hereby expatiated. I'm not
sure about Rosie though. That's a funny name for a dog. You can do
better than that!
Subject: Re: Infinite Cats - For Pinkfreud
From: michael2-ga on 22 Sep 2004 14:55 PDT

I did give a hint of my heavenly parentage in question 184280.  But
that was a long time ago.

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