First, please let me compliment you on a truly unique gallery of fine
art images! It is clearly a labour of much love for you.
The cause of the problem that you are trying to solve is actually a
very simple one. The line breaks are in the wrong places in your
Search Google code section. Now, the nature of the Google Answers
interface will make it difficult for me to cut and paste the code
here, but I'll try so that you can see the issue for yourself. In the
following snippets, I have replaced all of the less-than characters (
< ) and greater-than characters ( > ) with, respectively, the
'{' and '}' characters:
This is what is on your page
right now, I've put a line number in front of each actual line so that
even if somehow the text wraps in your browser as you view this,
you'll see where the actual line breaks are:
01- {!-- Search Google --}
02- {center}
03- {FORM method=GET action=://}
04- {TABLE bgcolor=#FFFFFF cellspacing=0 border=0}
05- {tr valign=top}{td}
06- {A HREF=://}
07- {IMG SRC=:// border=0
ALT=Google align=middle}{/A}
08- {/td}
09- {td}
10- {INPUT TYPE=text name=q size=31 maxlength=255 value=""}
11- {INPUT type=submit name=sa VALUE="Google Search"}
12- {INPUT type=hidden name=cof
13- center;BGC:white;LH:80;LC:#0000FF;L:
15- {input type=hidden name=domains value=""}{br}
16- {input type=radio name=sitesearch value=""} WWW
17- {input type=radio name=sitesearch value=""
18- {/td}{/tr}{/TABLE}
19- {/FORM}
20- {/center}
21- {!-- Search Google --}
The problem is caused by the ill-placed line breaks on lines 12 and 13
of the above snippet. You see, the contents of that INPUT tag happens
to contain all of the intelligence that drives the appearance of the
resulting Search Results page. More specifically, the VALUE= field
contains a semi-colon separated list of a setting name, a colon, and a
value. As you can see, the "AH:" setting, and the "L:" setting, both
are immediately followed by a line break. Normally, line breaks in
HTML code are just considered white-space, just like a space
character. In a case such as this, though, where the line-break is
part of a VALUE string that is being passed as part of a FORM, it ends
up breaking the code in the wrong place. That is why, when you get the
mal-formed results page where your logo does not appear, the source
view for that page shows the source of the image as
"__"... the '__'
characters are result of the line-feed and carriage-return characters
that represent the unnecessary line-break in your original source
code. Similarly, the unnecessary line-break between the horizontal
alignment setting "AH:" and its value means that the result page no
longer centers the logo and search field.
To fix this, you can simply delete the unnecessary line-breaks. If you
would like to have line-breaks just for legibility reasons, then
insert the line-breaks immediately after a semi-colon so that they do
not get interpreted as valid parts of the setting values. For example,
here is what the revised lines 12-14 would look like with line-breaks
shifted (again with the less-than and greater-than characters
substituted so that the code appears properly):
12- {INPUT type=hidden name=cof
13- AH:center;BGC:white;LH:80;LC:#0000FF;L:;
14- ALC:#FF0000;LW:550;T:black;AWFID:b0fdbf5204d58268;"}
All I have done, is inserted the line-break in front of the "AH:" and
"ALC:" settings, and deleted the original two ill-placed ones.
For a deeper understanding of what the various settings do:
S: site URL
GL: Google Logo background colour (0=white, 1=grey, 2=black)
VLC: visited link colour
AH: horizontal alignment of logo (left, center)
BGC: background colour
LH: logo height
LC: link colour
L: location of your logo
ALC: active link colour
LW: logo width
T: text colour
AWFID: your unique site identifier for the Google Free service
Naturally, the easiest way to adjust any of these is through the
Google Free Web Search wizard that you originally used, at
:// .
Please make the change to the source code of your 'google.htm'
webpage, and check it out to see if the problem is gone. You may need
to refresh your browser to make sure that the version you are seeing
is the updated version.
Let me know if you would like me to explain any part of this Answer,
by using the Request Clarification button above. Enjoy!
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