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Integral of combination Delta and Heaviside step function
Category: Science > Math Asked by: freemand-ga List Price: $2.00 |
22 Sep 2004 09:52 PDT
Expires: 22 Oct 2004 09:52 PDT Question ID: 404752 |
Can you hepl me with solution of next integral : Integral of [ delta(x-a) / sqrt(K1^2 + (K2^2 - K1^2)*H(x-a)) ] dx So integral of delta divide square root of (K1^2 + (K2^2 - K1^2)*H(x-a)). K1 = const. K2 = const. delta(x-a) is delta function, see http://mathworld.wolfram.com/DeltaFunction.html H(x-a) is the Heaviside step function, see http://mathworld.wolfram.com/HeavisideStepFunction.html | |
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Re: Integral of combination Delta and Heaviside step function
From: racecar-ga on 22 Sep 2004 10:46 PDT |
(K1 + K2)/(2K1 K2), or written another way, (1/2)(1/K1 + 1/K2) Look right? |
Re: Integral of combination Delta and Heaviside step function
From: freemand-ga on 22 Sep 2004 11:06 PDT |
Yes, from minus infinity to plus infinity. |
Re: Integral of combination Delta and Heaviside step function
From: freemand-ga on 22 Sep 2004 11:11 PDT |
To : racecar-ga Please describe how you get result. Thank you. If look right? No - but I am not sure, but looks not correct. I will check it in 20 min. more preciselly. Note : Integral [ delta(x) / (1+H(x))] dx = ln(x) |
Re: Integral of combination Delta and Heaviside step function
From: freemand-ga on 22 Sep 2004 11:22 PDT |
To racecar-ga : sorry, your solution looks correct (in my opinion, I will do now longer numerical test - 2-3hours - and I will tell you surely if it is correct). Please, describe how you get it? Thank's. |
Re: Integral of combination Delta and Heaviside step function
From: racecar-ga on 22 Sep 2004 13:15 PDT |
method was not rigorous. Basically, the denominator is a step function that changes from one level to another (from K1 to K2) at the point where there's a delta function in the denominator. If you think of a delta function as the limit of a gaussian or a boxcar function or something getting infinitely narrow, it's clear that half the delta function is over one side of the step function and half is over the other. So the integral is just half of the integral of delta(x-a)/K1 plus half the integral of delta(x-a)/K2. |
Re: Integral of combination Delta and Heaviside step function
From: freemand-ga on 22 Sep 2004 16:55 PDT |
racecar-ga : Looks that (K1 + K2)/(2K1 K2) is correct solution. Numerical test give me similar solution (I solve something what contains that integral). Thanks. But I am still not 100% sure. I need some days for verifying of solution. |
Re: Integral of combination Delta and Heaviside step function
From: mathtalk-ga on 23 Sep 2004 12:59 PDT |
The "delta" function is not really a function. It's a "generalized function" that can be given a precise definition using the theory of integration. Properly speaking the integral is not well-defined, but this has nothing to do with the limits of integration (provided the point x = a is within the limits). We need the factor 1/sqrt(K1^2 + (K2^2 - K1^2)*H(x-a)) to be continous at x = a for the integral to be defined, and of course it is precisely at this value that the Heaviside function introduces a discontinuity. Racecar's approach is as good as any for interpreting what someone _might_ mean in writing this expression down. It's a bit like asking someone to evaluate 0/0 or 0^0, or any other indeterminate form. Depending on how one "approaches" the delta function and the Heaviside function with continuous approximations, you will obtain various limits. Racecar's value represents the case in which the Heaviside function is used "as is" and a limit is taken with respect to the delta function using increasingly narrow Gaussian distributions. Conversely if you were to use the delta function "as is" but approach the Heaviside function with a sequence of continuous functions each passing through (a,1/2), then the limit would be: 1/sqrt( (1/2)(K1^2 + K2^2) ) = sqrt(2 / (K1^2 + K2^) ) regards, mathtalk-ga |
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