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Best country in the world.
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference Asked by: jtk8-ga List Price: $2.00 |
22 Sep 2004 11:28 PDT
Expires: 22 Oct 2004 11:28 PDT Question ID: 404824 |
What country is the best in the world? |
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Re: Best country in the world.
Answered By: digsalot-ga on 22 Sep 2004 11:54 PDT Rated: ![]() |
How about an answer with some kind of "official" status behind it rather than just 'opinion.?' "For the sixth year in a row, Canada ranks first among 175 countries in the United Nation's quality of life survey. The Human Development Index (HDI) examines the health, education and wealth of each nation's citizens by measuring: life expectancy; educational achievement -- adult literacy plus combined primary, secondary and tertiary enrolment; standard of living -- real GDP per capita based on PPP exchange rates. ... Canada has the best educated people and the highest literacy rate in the world. Canadians live longer than anyone on the planet, except people in Japan and Iceland." http://www.english-vancouver.com/canada-human-development/ - From Vancouver English Centre The United Stated ranks third, after Norway. Search - Google Terms - the best country in the world in which to live Cheers Digsalot | |
rated this answer:![]() I looked that info up myself before hand. I appreciated everyones' comments though,and I liked the comments from the well travelled. Personal experience over surveys/resaerch please me. Thank you all! |
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Re: Best country in the world.
From: probonopublico-ga on 22 Sep 2004 13:01 PDT |
Hmmmmmmmm ...... Yeah but if you've ever been to Canada (as I have several times) you would know that it gets pretty damned cold in winter with snow up to your rooftops ... Moreover, do they play cricket? No, they do not! Me? I've been everywhere and I can honestly swear that the UK is the tops and - Hell - we've got millions of illegal immigrants who agree with me. What is more even Steph53-ga has now quit Canada for the US of A. Will she ever return? Who knows? |
Re: Best country in the world.
From: liner-ga on 22 Sep 2004 13:11 PDT |
Brian: www.canadacricket.com |
Re: Best country in the world.
From: 1anton1-ga on 22 Sep 2004 13:50 PDT |
Hi probonopublico-ga, I believe the species homo-canasapian have adapted well to their surroundings. Does snow to rooftop = day off work ? Bargain. Paid, I hope. And (I guess) you don't need a fridge for the beer. I suppose, the real down side, would be the expense of keeping mulled wine on the go. And maybe eating freeze dried, rather than wind dried, meat. And the loneliness of the long distance snow mobile machine user. I believe there's a version of cricket over there that you can play on frozen lakes during the winter. It's hazardous. Last score I heard was 305 out for 2 (2 life boat/ice skeeter guys). The ice cracks a bit when you hit the wicket. You get a happy feeling when you do it, but you might die. Just my little addition .... |
Re: Best country in the world.
From: tardis-ga on 22 Sep 2004 17:06 PDT |
This is easy...despite its faults and problems, the USA is still the greatest country in the world and I am so lucky to be living here!! |
Re: Best country in the world.
From: neilzero-ga on 22 Sep 2004 17:07 PDT |
Most of Canada is very cold in winter, but the West Coast, especially Victoria, BC, Canada has milder winters than anywhere in the British Isles. Day time highs of 68 degrees f = 20 decrees c are not unusual even in January. Neil |
Re: Best country in the world.
From: pinkfreud-ga on 22 Sep 2004 17:11 PDT |
I love the United States, but I do have a special place in my heart for Canada, since that fine nation produced the very best husband I have ever had. |
Re: Best country in the world.
From: pinkfreud-ga on 22 Sep 2004 21:38 PDT |
One good way to gauge the desirability of a country is to look at how many people want to move there: "Canada absorbs more immigrants per capita than any other country." http://www.how2immigrate.net/canada/ |
Re: Best country in the world.
From: probonopublico-ga on 22 Sep 2004 22:00 PDT |
Do I trust any 'Official Survey'? No I do not! I trust my own instincts which say 'Yes there may be an oasis on the West Coast, but there's a lot more to Canada than that'. Take Calgary, you could be sweltering in the sun one minute, drenched in rain the next. Just like England. But it ain't England. Why do you suppose Pink's husband left? He probably went as far as he could before his money ran out. I reckon there's a real story there if someone could winkle it out. And, of course, Steph53 has stayed uncharacteristically quiet. If Canada's most prominent GaWoman can stay quiet when there's a heated debate in progress about her own country ... Well, my case rests. I do hope that Steph is OK ... Maybe she's been snowed in? As regards cricket ... I wasn't talking about an insect or anything even tinier. Finally, if Canada really were the best in the world, would we have given it away? No, we would not! We would have transplanted our King, Queen, Bishops, Knights and Castles, too. Believe me. One who knows. |
Re: Best country in the world.
From: digsalot-ga on 22 Sep 2004 22:31 PDT |
Yes Probo - weather in Alberta can change very rapidly and for little or no reason. One day it was so hot on the Alberta plains that a wagon load of popcorn blew up. A cowboy riding nearby was caught in the falling popcorn, thought it was snow, and froze to death. |
Re: Best country in the world.
From: pinkfreud-ga on 22 Sep 2004 22:59 PDT |
Discussing the best country in the world reminds me of a wonderful old song written by Malvina Reynolds and popularized by Pete Seeger: There's a country in the Pyrenees, It's an independent state. They spent less than five dollars on armaments, And I think they're really great! They didn't invest in a Tommy gun, Or a plane to sweep the skies: They bought some blanks for cap pistols To shoot on their fourth of July. Oh I wanna go to Andorra, Andorra, Andorra, I wanna go to Andorra, it's a land that I adore. They spent four dollars and ninety cents On armaments for their defense. Did you ever hear of such confidence? Andorra, hip-hoorah! |
Re: Best country in the world.
From: probonopublico-ga on 23 Sep 2004 06:30 PDT |
Wow1, Digs, You really dug deep for the Alberta story but should it not have been listed elsewhere? http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=401121 Wow2, Pink Yes I have been to Andorra ... but I had no urge to stay long or to ever to visit again. The only reason that they (allegedly) don't have a Defence Budget is because no one would invade. Of course, they might have a rethink now that Georgie has strapped on his shooting irons. I suspect the song you quoted was just a cruel hoax. Oh I don't wanna go to Andorra, Andorra, Andorra, I don't wanna go to Andorra, it's a land that I abhor. If Steph53 doesn't say a kind word for Canada within the next 24 hours, it means that she agrees with me. |
Re: Best country in the world.
From: silver777-ga on 23 Sep 2004 06:59 PDT |
Hi Jtk8, Great question. I guess we all like to think that our own country is best. I bet you get to keep your $2, as there will be no agreed answer. Australia is known as the Lucky Country for many reasons. Lucky we survived the droughts, lucky that we can laugh at ourselves and start again. She offers all tastes of climates; she has the support of you other lucky buggers with trade, defence and tourism; she speaks English, yet has the luxury of vast multiculturalism. From this, we have the world around every corner. Not a bad innings for a country inhabited by immigrants only a couple of hundred years ago. Yeah, some of us were convicts. Some still are. I am not well travelled. However, I had the opportunity to visit Johannesburg. Razor wire, brick walls, guard dogs, military police, machine guns. A 2-door Mercedes Benz parked 5 doors down from a broken down hovel. Inequity of opportunity. Every move had to be deliberate and planned. Cautioned that "those 3" are waiting to mug you. A beggar asking for 3 Rand. Thought it Christmas when I gave him 50. Then I come home. I can go where I want, when I want. No razor wire here. There is no such thing as an Australian restaurant. Else we would be serving meat pies, lambs fry and bacon then mashed spuds followed by bread and dripping. No need for an Aussie restaurant when I can count 2 Italian, 2 Chinese, 1 Vietnamese, 2 Thai and 2 Middle Eastern all on the same street. We must have employed a stutterer and a palindromist at one stage to name our towns. Wagga Wagga and Gumly Gumly come to mind. Then .. Tumut and Glenelg .. I'm sure there are others. We measure distance in hours or beers, not miles nor kilometres. We changed to decimal currency in 1966, but we still use "quid" and "bob" in our language. As in: "to earn a quid" or "he's not worth two bob". Then we changed to the Metric system. Metres (that's English for meters) and tonnes are often converted in conversation to imperial yards and tons. We just can't seem to let go. And we laugh about it. Australia is the best country. I'm lucky to be here. Phil |
Re: Best country in the world.
From: probonopublico-ga on 23 Sep 2004 21:58 PDT |
Thinking further about this ... It is, of course, entirely subjective. Many folk now quit the UK for France, Spain, Portugal, etc. usually seeking 'a better quality of life', whatever that may mean. Often it means they can get more house for their money and a lower cost of living. Many are seduced by having had a great holiday experience that they want to recapture for the rest of their lives. Often these excursions end in tears. (Reportedly 93% of UK folk who've sold up and moved to Spain return.) At the other extreme are the illegal imigrants who envy our welfare state and try to get here by fair means or foul. Who knows what misery they have left behind? I'm very lucky in having had the opportunity to go to many countries but my heart is right here in the UK because it provides me with the quality of life that I appreciate: great libraries, easy access to the National Archives, some lovely bookshops (Yes there are still some left) and lots of great friends. Also, my two daughters live nearby. What more could a man wish for? Oh, yes, and Daisy lives here too ... I don't think that she'd be happy in Oklahoma for example. I reckon that she'd soon get bored chasing all those cats. |
Re: Best country in the world.
From: silver777-ga on 23 Sep 2004 23:02 PDT |
Jtk8, Looks like I lost my bet on you keeping your $2. As Probo said, "It's subjective". That's why I don't consider any answer, with due respect to Digsalot's answer, as being conducive to "best". "Best" is, like most things, one's perception of the definition. To me, it's a balance of the good and not so good to more closely match our needs. I like heat and lots of space. You may prefer cooler climes and busy interaction. Two questions .. Would anyone care to comment on the thought that we may one day have a single governing power, focused mainly on food production globally, regardless of our continent of origin? What right do I have to use my shoreline as a border to inhibit anyone from entering "my" comfort zone? In thought, Phil |
Re: Best country in the world.
From: probonopublico-ga on 23 Sep 2004 23:40 PDT |
Hi, Phil Interesting thought but it's an impossible job trying to run just one country, who on earth could possibly run the World? Him upstairs seems to have washed his hands on us. And how would we choose a leader? And monitor elections? And share the World's wealth? And eliminate discontent? You have already contrasted your own experience of South Africa with Australia ... but how would you reconcile the competing interests in the Middle East? Here in the UK, we still have 'problems' in Northern Ireland ... if we can't sort out those after years of trying, who can? And look at the Chechen problem and that recent terrorist atrocity! Now, if we could only turn the clock back 150 years or so when everyone knew their place: bring back the horse and sailing ships; outlaw the Internal Combustion Engine, Electrical Generation Equipment and all Weapons of Mass or Minimal Destruction; only allow birds to fly ... Yes, it's got great possibilities ... Back to the Land! Sadly, Queen Victoria has passed away (Did you hear?) but I am sure that a GREAT LEADER can be found ... Shane Warne, perhaps? Or Olivia Newton John? There must be somebody ... WOW! That would make a great question ... All the Best And many thanks to jtk8 for a thought provoking question. Bryan |
Re: Best country in the world.
From: johnfrommelbourne-ga on 24 Sep 2004 07:24 PDT |
Well while there is a good arguement for Australia in my humble opinion and it is largely SUBJECTIVE as those who suggest USA or Britain is best, it cant be denied that on purely OBJECTIVE measures, being-: climate, wages, cost of living, education facilities, working conditions, state of health/heath facilities, safety, crime rate etc etc, my city MELBOURNE has come up No 1( the title actually being WORLDS MOST LIVABLE CITY), a number of times in last few years ahead of a city in Canada and then Vienna I think. Survey was commissioned and oversighted by either OECD or UN as I remember |
Re: Best country in the world.
From: silver777-ga on 24 Sep 2004 09:59 PDT |
G'day John and Bryan, I admit that I'd have to agree with you John. You also have the best roads in the country, thanks to Jeff. I would argue your point on climate though. Unless of course you enjoy 4 seasons in the one day. :) Yep Bryan, you're right. I don't suggest that global governing would be easy. I don't suggest that we aim for it either. What I see is a point in time where there may be a simple choice. Either we work together, or annihilate one another. If resources diminish at an increasing rate, followed by another world war, might those of us who remain learn to take another path? Then again, I guess idealism is only found in the fiction section of the library. Shane Warne as leader???? Yeah sure !! Maybe Mr.Bean could be Head of Intelligence too. Olivia .. absolutely. She can stay at my place for her term of office. Even longer if she wants. :) My vote for a great leader would go to Robin Williams. We would be rendered incapable of harm due to stomach cramps. Laughter would then top the list as the greatest cause of death. Phil |
Re: Best country in the world.
From: steph53-ga on 27 Sep 2004 02:16 PDT |
I'm baaack from the beautiful US of A !!! Although I live in Canada and am considered a Canuck, my heart rests in the United States. I lived in CA in the early '70's and my daughter was born there. Canada is ok but, as was previously mentioned, the country lets too many illegal "immigrants" in. My concern only............ Steph53 |
Re: Best country in the world.
From: sume-ga on 21 Jan 2005 22:21 PST |
i had heard that Assam in india hasd the best climate in the world with comfortable temperatere and slight rain.but the problem is the political in stablity and terrorism in that region |
Re: Best country in the world.
From: hildet-ga on 24 Feb 2005 06:42 PST |
but after six years Canada isn't voted the best country, nor the second one! First one, and voted the best country by UN 4 times in a row, is Norway! Second one Austria. Ireland was also just voted as the best country to live in, followed by Norway and Luxenbourg and other Scandinavian countries. The main problem with all americans, beeing from North or south, is their low knowledge to other countries! Newsflash, there is something called Europe, and Scandinavia, and all theese countries are always within the first one in each ranking made. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2001/07/10/so_whats_the_best_country/ |
Re: Best country in the world.
From: skgold-ga on 09 Mar 2005 22:21 PST |
The best is Canada. The best in Canada is Albeta. The best in Alberta is Calgary. SkGold. http://www.allaboutcalgary.com/ |
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