Dear scaryberry,
I've been using the Mailman mailing list manager, a long-lived and
popular open-source package.
Online documentation for Mailman is available here.
GNU Mailman List Management Guide v 2.0
The default mode for a Mailman list is multiway, so that any
subscriber to the list is free to submit content that will
automatically be sent out to all subscribers. However, a list can be
configured in such a way that only its administrators are allowed to
broadcast content. The following instructions spell out one way to do
this. The domain name given in these instructions is specific to
ModWest users, but the remaining steps are universally applicable.
ModWest FAQ: How do I make an "Announce Only" newsletter with Mailman 2.1.x?
Mailman is written in Python, so you'll need to have a recent version
of the Python interpreter installed if you want to run the list from a
computer of your own. The machine where Mailman is installed must have
been previously set up so that it can send email directly through an
SMTP server.
Download Standard Python Software
As an alternative, you can run Mailman from a webhosting account. One
webhost describes this feature as follows.
Cpanelhosting: Mailman Hosting
I happen to have a webhosting account with DreamHost, whose
instructions on setting up a Mailman discussion list are below. I
imagine that other webhosts would make it similarly easy to use
Mailman. To turn a discussion list into an e-newsletter list, I would
follow the steps given by ModWest above.
DreamHost Knowledge Base: Creating a discussion list
I can report from my own experience with Mailman that it supplies
users with an attractive and rather simple interface for subscribing
and unsubscribing from the list. This is important for the purpose of
meeting a webhost's spam guidelines. Those issued by DreamHost are
linked below. Other webhosts have similar policies. Note that as long
as your list is strictly opt-in, and subscribers are given an easy way
to opt out, your broadcasts will not be considered spam.
DreamHost Knowledge Base: Is my bulk email spam?
Since Mailman allows you to send any kind of text, you can very well
use HTML in a broadcast mailing. Subscribers who use a text-based
email client will see the raw HTML, while those who use a graphical
one will see the page rendered as intended. In sum, the effectiveness
of HTML depends not on the sender but on the receiver.
If you feel that my answer is incomplete or inaccurate in any way, please
post a clarification request so that I have a chance to meet your needs
before you assign a rating.
leapinglizard |