I am glad to have been able to help you find the quote you needed.
"Shall we not pass a law that, in the first place, no children under
eighteen may touch wine at all, teaching that it is wrong to pour fire
upon fire either in body or in soul ... and thus guarding against the
excitable disposition of the young? And next, we shall rule that the
young man under thirty may take wine in moderation, but that he must
entirely abstain from intoxication and heavy drinking. But when a man
has reached the age of forty, he may join in the convivial gatherings
and invoke Dionysus, above all other gods, inviting his presence at
the rite (which is also the recreation) of the elders, which he
bestowed on mankind as a medicine potent against the crabbedness of
Old Age, that thereby we men may renew our youth, and that, through
forgetfulness of care, the temper of our souls may lose its hardness
and become softer and more ductile ..." [Plato, Laws 666b]
Greek Mythology Link: Wine
As noted above, the quote comes from Plato's "Laws." Here is the same
quote in a different translation:
"Shall we begin by enacting that boys shall not taste wine at all
until they are eighteen years of age; we will tell them that fire must
not be poured upon fire, whether in the body or in the soul, until
they begin to go to work-this is a precaution which has to be taken
against the excitableness of youth;-afterwards they may taste wine in
moderation up to the age of thirty, but while a man is young he should
abstain altogether from intoxication and from excess of wine; when, at
length, he has reached forty years, after dinner at a public mess, he
may invite not only the other Gods, but Dionysus above all, to the
mystery and festivity of the elder men, making use of the wine which
he has given men to lighten the sourness of old age; that in age we
may renew our youth, and forget our sorrows; and also in order that
the nature of the soul, like iron melted in the fire, may become
softer and so more impressible."
Greek Academy Reading Room: LAWS / Plato (Trans. Benjamin Jowett)
My Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: plato "wine in moderation"
Best regards,
pinkfreud |