I am in search of 6-10 individuals that presently have early TV or
Magazine exposure and that have published articles or diet books. I
am looking for credible young personalities that could be on TV.
Obvious names that appear on ediet.com or people that have been
commercialized are not to be included.
Registered Dieticians, Doctors and Nutritionists that have some
lime-light are the ones being sought. Nutritionists to the stars like
Britney Spears? , Catherine Zeta-Jones' or Nicholas Cage's
nutritionist would also be perfect.
These individuals are usually quoted, referenced, perhaps published
and even interviewed or consulted on TV shows.
Names like Denise Austin, Joy Bauer, Periscone, or Oz Garcia are not
the names I am looking for.
The purpose of the request is to find these types of professionals for
an infomercial I am thinking about creating. So while a Google may
return names, choosing the best young, up and coming requires
significant thought and judgement.
Thank you and Good Hunting,
Roland |
Clarification of Question by
26 Sep 2004 08:41 PDT
Fitness trainers maybe, but not unless they are also be registered
dieticians, I had already seen 3 of the 5 people listed. If I may,
can we get a few people that are "nutritionists to the stars" as
discussed in the original question. Young personalities are key here
as well, so when you uncover an individual over 50 like Gittleman, she
would not be the best personality to be the voice or face of a younger
and better body.
I hope this clarifificaton is what you were asking, if not please
request another qustion.
BTW: Your first name?