I require a copy of each questionnaire that support the following review types:
1. World Bank Public Expenditure Reviews (PERs)
2. World Bank Country Financial Accountability Assessments (CFAAs)*
* Though CFAA guidelines included a detailed questionnaire in the
past, recently updated guidelines include only a few key questions.
The World Bank?s Africa Region, however, has developed a detailed CFAA
checklist that covers most aspects of budget execution, accounting,
audit, and control.
3. International Monetary Fund (IMF) Reports on the Observance of
Standards and Codes of Fiscal Transparency (Fiscal ROSCs)
4. IMF?World Bank Public Expenditure Tracking Assessments and Action
Plans for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC AAPs)
5. EC audits of public expenditure management systems
6. U.K. Department for International Development (DFID) assessments of
fiduciary risk |
Clarification of Question by
27 Sep 2004 04:56 PDT
These questionnaires are available somewhere on the internet, but I do
not have the time to find them.
Request for Question Clarification by
27 Sep 2004 05:38 PDT
Hello manilow-ga,
Based on a quick look, my guess would be that a researcher may be able
to find some of these items, but quite likely, not all six of them.
How should we proceed in that case? Is our "best effort" good enough,
or do require all six for an answer to your question.
Also...for item #2, are you looking only for the Africa Region questionnaire?
Thanks for any clarification you can provide.
Clarification of Question by
27 Sep 2004 16:54 PDT
Hello pafalafa-ga,
Not necessary to get all six. I am particularly interested in
Questionnaires #1, #2 and #3. Questionnaire #4 is also of interest,
but to a lesser extent.
And yes, for #2 I would like the Africa region questionnaire.
Request for Question Clarification by
27 Sep 2004 17:58 PDT
Wow...these are tough. There's just such an overwhelming sea of
acronyms and formats and countries and reports....
Still, I think I'm on track for at least two of them, so far:
The ROSC questionnaire appears to be here:
IMF Questionnaire on Fiscal Transparency
[note the options to download the questionnaire in various formats --
top left-hand side of page]
Kota Sukabumi
Public Expenditure Review
[annex 1 appears to contain the PER questionnaire, as far as I can tell]
Annex 1
Financial Management ? Diagnostic Questionnaire
As I look around for the others, please give me some feedback as to
whether these are on the right track or not. Thanks.
Clarification of Question by
28 Sep 2004 02:46 PDT
You are on the right track. The World Bank and IMF sites are monuments
to opacity (when one tries to find something). However, the Indonesian
information that you found (Kota Sukabumi) is absolutely what we are
Just the CFAA to go now. If necessary, I can obtain it through other channels.
Request for Question Clarification by
28 Sep 2004 05:16 PDT
Glad to hear I'm on the right track.
Please have a look at this link regarding the CFAA's, and let me know
what you think:
It appears to be a series of questionnaires (checklists) related to
the content of the CFAA. Does this meet your needs?
Clarification of Question by
28 Sep 2004 15:47 PDT
Thanks, the CFAA page does meet my needs. As for the remaining
questionnaire of interest:
4. IMF?World Bank Public Expenditure Tracking Assessments and Action
Plans for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC AAPs)
If you can find anything with very limited effort, please advise,
otherwise I consider my question answered!