My brother has an anti spam package on his server that automatically
bounces back email from an unknown address and requires those sending
the email to click on an icon indicating that they want to send the
email. My brother says that this has tremendously decreased the
amount of spam he receives (spammers usually dont have the ability to
click on an icon for an invidual email). I want to know if software
of this type is available for a desktop class PC running XP & MS
Outlook. |
Request for Question Clarification by
26 Sep 2004 17:00 PDT
KnowSpam sounds like just the thing:
Here's a description from a satisfied user:
"I'm now running all my email through KnowSpam. It's a web-based
system that acts like a guardian at the gates. Basically, if I get an
email from an unknown address, KnowSpam will hold the email and fire
off a response. The unknown person is asked to go to a web page and
put a few numbers into a form. If you do that, you prove that you're
human, and your email is let through. If you don't, it's probably
because you're a spammer and couldn't be bothered, and your email dies
in limbo. The result is, I get ten messages a day, and none of them
are spam."
Would this fully meet your needs?
Clarification of Question by
26 Sep 2004 17:45 PDT
Don't want a web based resource. I want a pc based resource; one that
first checks an "allowed list" and permits email from those on the
list. For those not on the list, the software checks for the sender's
opt in confirmation. If it is found, the sender is added to the
allowed list and it and all future email from the sender email is
allowed in. If no opt in confirmaiton is found, the software
automatically bounces the email back to the sender for their "opt in"
confirmation (usually an icon click followed by clicking the reply
button in the sender's email program).
Clarification of Question by
27 Sep 2004 04:55 PDT
Nice reference, but which PC based challenge-response software do you
recommend, and why?
Request for Question Clarification by
27 Sep 2004 10:44 PDT
I really cannot make a recommendation, since I've never used any of
these products (I use SpamBayes, a different type of anti-spam
product). I hope another Researcher who has hands-on experience with
challenge/response software will be able to help.
Clarification of Question by
27 Sep 2004 16:28 PDT
I am looking for the best challenge response anti-spam pc based software