Hi jtmalone,
The following companies provide badges that do as you describe:
"nTAG" - http://www.ntag.com/
"nTAG Interactive provides a complete event communications system for
forward-thinking business and social gatherings. The system is built
around our groundbreaking interactive name badge ? the nTAG. nTAGs are
wearable computers that improve networking among event participants
while streamlining event management."
"CharmBadge" - http://www.charmed.com/
"The CharmBadge is a computerized conference badge about the size of a
business card. Users simply wear the badge and it records the contact
information of other CharmBadge users as they come into range.
(...) the CharmBadge also encourages interactions by displaying the
affinity that one user has with another using the green LEDs at top of
the badge. The affinity is based on users' answers to questions asked
of all CharmBadge users for the specific event. For example, if four
questions were asked and two users have answered all the questions the
same, they have full affinity with each other and all four LEDs will
glow on both CharmBadges. If two answers were the same, the affinity
is 50% and only two LEDs will glow. Thus, the CharmBadges provide
users with a conversation starter - a reason to figure out why the
CharmBadges are showing a particular affinity, or possibly lack
"Spotme" - http://www.spotme.ch/
"Conference application You know all those times when you've attended
events intending to meet up with someone and you either just miss
them, can't track them down or simply forget their name? Spotme
ensures this won't happen by alerting you when they are near. It can
be set to vibrate, and a pop-up description photo appears so that the
user can decide whether, as the manufacturer states: "to take the
plunge and make that crucial handshake". A swift electronic exchange
of business cards can ensue, courtesy of the device.
Spotme's radar function discreetly lets you know who is within 10 to
30 feet of you. The messaging facility allows you to contact any other
delegate to set up a meeting. Plus, when you highlight a person's
name, it will show that person's photograph and contact details."
Search terms used:
badges alert wearer conferences
badges alert interests conferences
"smart badges" rfid interests
charmed ntag
spotme conference
I hope this information is useful to you. If anything is unclear
please request clarification.
Best regards,
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